Chapter Two

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Katsuki's POV

I wasn't sure why my stomach twisted with worry. I mean, he was just the crybaby. Why the hell were my feelings so complex?!

After Deku collapsed, the teachers rushed us all into our classroom until further notice. Everyone was worried. Uraraka had tears in her eyes. I've never seen Todoroki so quiet.

We all sat around. Suddenly, All Might burst into the room. Everyone turned their heads to him without a second thought.

"The good news is, Young Midoriya will be alright," All Might informed.

"I'm so glad!" Uraraka smiled, releasing the tension on her chest.

"Like I give a damn," I whispered. The words felt like a lie to me.

"Young Bakkugo," All Might said, turning his attention to me. "Would you come with me a moment?"

"Alright..." I said, feeling too sick to yell at him. I complied and followed him down the hallway.

As we walked, I saw All Might clench his fists. For the first time, his smile was non-existent.

" this about Deku?"

"Young Bakkugo..." He hesitated before speaking again. "You used to be good friends with Midoryia, right?"

"Uh, I guess?" I answered. "I mean, it's not like me and Deku really get along really well anymore." Secretly, I hoped that last statement would change.

All Might nodded as we approached Recovery Girl's nurses' office. He turned to me, his hand ready to slide open the door.

"Young Bakkugo, don't freak out when I show you Midoryia. His body is in terrible shape, and we don't want to use up his stamina healing him."

I nodded and followed him through the door. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Deku was lying unconscious in a bed, an IV in his arm. His shirt was taken off, revealing deep bruises and burn marks. His arms were full of cuts. Though he was asleep, the bags under his eyes showed his exhaustion. Recovery Girl sat in a chair near his bed, covering his cuts with bandages.

It took a lot for me to repress a gasp. How could that idiot get hurt this badly? He didn't even step foot in the arena.

"Young Bakkugo..." All Might sighed next to me. "Aizawa and I have come to the conclusion that he was attacked by a villain or abused. I was wondering if you knew how he lived at home since you've known him longer than anyone here."

I was still in shock. The feeling of fear made my stomach hurt. Thoughts rushed through my head. What hasn't Deku been telling me? Could he really have been abused all these years? Or
...was that...from me?

It took everything to repress my tears. "What the hell, you idiot?!" I screamed at the sleeping boy.

No reply.

"Bakkugo, if you're gonna be so loud, I'll ask you to leave," Recovery Girl said, not looking up from Deku. That stupid, stupid bitch.

"Young Bakkugo...If you can...Please answer my question," All Might sighed, clearly not attempting to hide his worry for the nerd.

I looked down at my feet, hoping they'd help me take all this in. "No...I don't know..."

"I see..." All Might said, not a hint of emotion in his voice. "You are dismissed. Thank you for your time."

The question that I wanted to ask spilled out of my mouth, "will...will Deku be okay?"

When he spoke, his voice was filled with doubt. "Yeah. He'll be just fine."

I nodded and closed the door behind me as I left. As soon as I was alone, I ran to the bathroom and let the tears fall.

I was so pathetic. Why was I feeling so weird? Why was my stomach twisting with guilt?

That day, I decided that I wasn't going to hurt my precious Deku anymore.

I Will Save Him [Abused! Izuku X Katsuki]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu