When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 2)

Start from the beginning

And though it sounded so fake, I wanted to be part of that group. I wanted to be the type of girl who was so carefree, that all I worried about was looking good enough to impress other people. Other boys.

I gave a slight sigh, and snatched a silver tube of lip-gloss off the top of the cabinet. I turned to look in my vanity mirror and swiped it over my lips. There. It wasn't much, and I felt a little foolish for putting it on unnecessarily but... it made me feel just a little bit better.

I clomped downstairs and sat myself down at the table. Breakfast at my house was a silent affair since my younger siblings (I had two, a sister who was 13 and a brother who was 14) were already off to school, which started earlier than mine.

My mom worked as a real estate agent so after she dropped my siblings June (the thirteen year old) and Jake (the fourteen year old) off at their middle school, she was straight off to the office. And my dad, your average salary man, had early working hours.

Really, super early, working hours. Thus he had been at the office since before my siblings and I had even woke up. The good thing about him starting so early was that he was home all the earlier. Which was nice... if you liked my father.

My father was one of those people that you either loved or hated. For most, it was the earlier, but for people like Max... it was the later. What can I say? Of course a player and my father would be natural enemies. My dad was always one of those caring, overprotective father's... but just a little bit clueless.

Though in his defense, if he knew about Max's player reputation, Max would have learned a long time ago just how handy my father is with a shotgun. And a two-by-four plank of wood. And numb-chucks. Though, truth be told, last time my dad tried to mess around with those he... he...

Well, let's not get into such unpleasant details this early in the morning.

Anyways, so as I was saying I had decided to go to school. Not really that I needed to since Max would have my tardy wiped from all of the computers if I even just asked. My boyfriend waved money around like a magic wand. All I had to do was just complain about my teacher or my homework once and -poof!- gone the next morning.

And trust me, I learned that the hard way with Mrs. Stellers. One day I complained that she gave a little to much homework, and that I didn't know how I was going to finish it all, and then, the next day, she was gone. I might have also mentioned that she gave us so much that I might not be able to go over to Max's for dinner that night, which really ticked him off. Probably wasn't the best idea.

Urgent family matter all the other staff had said when she wasn't there the next day, and yet their weary looks at Max made me think it that even they didn't believe what they were saying. I learned never to complain about my teachers again.

Oh, and I also learned to never, ever, even THINK about missing a dinner at Max's house. Very bad idea.

Speaking of which... I was pretty sure that in honor of our anniversary his parents had a dinner for us at his house tonight. I should probably pick an outfit for that but...

I sighed grabbing my school bag, and went to go sit on the curb waiting for my ride. I'd pick the outfit when I got home. Twenty minutes later Deanna pulled up to the front of our house, with an angered look on her face, "He forgot didn't he."

"Yeah, he did." I said as I slung my bag over my back. See, we (Deanna, Max and I) have this system. Usually Max picks me up in the morning, but when he gets a new girl he gets so wrapped up in her that he forgets. That's when I need Deanna to take me to school, as I don't have a car.

Since we can't always predict when Max will have a new girl, Deanna drives by my house everyday on her way to school, and checks if I'm still on the porch. If I'm not, it means Max already got me or I'm sick or something. But if I am, like today, it means Max is wrapped up in a new girl and forgot to come get me.

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