"Sorry I started without you." She smirked.

I licked my lips as I closed my bedroom door and went to join in.


After 3 hours of fun exotic sex with Lilly. It was finally time for her to go back home to her boyfriend. I sighed as I walked her to the door.

"When will I see you again?" I asked her.

"It's going to be a few weeks. Me and tommy are going on a vacation." She said rolling her eyes.

I chuckled. "Sounds fun." I said.

"Not even. Id rather be here with you." Lilly pouted.

I pulled her into my arms kissing her again. She bit my bottom lip as she pulled away. She stuffed something into my hand as she smirked looking down at at.

I opened my hand to see what was in it and there laid her pink lace panties.
"Just to make sure you won't forget about me." She smirked.

"Never." I told her surely.

She smiled "I'll call you." she said bored turning to walk off the porch.

I smirked as I closed the door feelings satisfied. Even tho I had sex with plenty of different girls they all had something that stood out about them.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a coke out the fridge hearing the tv from
The family room blaring throughout the house. I followed the noise to see Morgan stretched out on the couch with a bowl of grapes in Her hand.

She then let out an loud laugh as she stared at the tv. I looked at her amused for a moment until I turned the tv down. "You death or something?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "Why are you coming in here fucking with me? Where is chilly." She asked.

I couldn't help but laugh." It's Lilly." I corrected her.

"Same thing." She stated directing her attention back towards the tv.

I walked to the couch lifting her legs up allowing them to lay on my lap.

"What are you watching?" I asked directing my attention towards the tv.

"I was watching were the millers but as you Can see it's over now." She said before turning the tv off.

She then got up off the couch. Grabbing her bowl.

"Where you going?" I asked her.

"To go lay down." She said.

"Wait I want to talk to you about something real quick." I told her getting her attention causing her to sit back down.

"About what?" She asked skeptical.

"About earlier. " I said.

She sat there confused waiting on me to continue.

"Earlier when Lilly came you had attitude towards her... Seems like you were jealous?" I pointed out.

She let out a loud laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked as she continued to laugh.

I looked at her waiting for her to stop laughing.

"Wow your're serious?" She asked.

I nodded simply.

"Jealous? No I wasn't jealous. Mad and disgusted but defiantly not jealous. " she assured me.

"Mad and disgusted? Why?" I asked her.

"Mad because you and me answer the door when I didn't feel like it and disgusted because I can spot a hoe when I see one. And Lola definitely was a hoe. " Morgan said surely.

"Lilly. Her name is Lilly." I said correcting her again.

She shrugged her shoulders showing she didn't care.

"Why would I be jealous anyways? " Morgan asked confused.

"We'll because She came her for me." I stated.

"Okay and? Look chresanto, I don't mean to burst ya bubble or anything but I'm not attracted to you at all. Honestly. I appreciate you allowing me to stay here but roommates is all we will ever be." She told me making it clear.

"Well damn okay. I get it." I said.

"Good." She said letting out a deep breath.

"Of course. You want to hide your attraction towards me. It's okay Morgan I totally understand. Your scared that I don't feel the same. Now I can't give you a relationship but I can promise you the best night of your life." I joked.

She broke out into laugher again. "You mr chresanto.. Are something else." She said shaking her head as she smiled then turned to walk up the stairs.

"Morgan." I called out.

"Yes?" She said turning around.

"Goodnight." I smiled. She kept her back towards me but I'm sure she had that perfect little grin on her face. "Goodnight... Chresanto." She said before continuing up the stairs.

I dug into my pocket to retrieve Lilly's panties back into my hand. I chuckled as I walked up the stairs.

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