Sisterly Advice...and Coercion

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I can't remember getting home last night. I know that I got home last night.

All I know is that Benji trounced me at all every single fighting game I played him in…

And that Alex and I shared a kiss that nearly burnt me to ashes.

I'm still trembling.

How can I even describe it? I can't. On minute, I'm crying over my mistakes and the next minute, he's kissing me. Any urge to push him away and tell him off was eliminated in two seconds. I was all too happy to give in and all too happy to kiss him and deeply as I knew how…

This is insane. I must be out of my mind.

Whatever happened to my vow to keep my distance? A lot can happen in four days.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Kissing Alex was definitely not part of the itinerary for this trip. I expected to see him maybe once or twice, make a little small talk, get through the anniversary party and the wedding, and then go home. I did not expect to go on a city adventure in order to return his phone. I did not expect him to hold me during a thunderstorm.

I certainly did not expect to him to press his lips against mine, and for me to press back enthusiastically…

My God. If I keep this up, my thoughts will travel to dark and delicious places. Can't have that.

"Elodie, are you in there?" My mom saunters into my room without so much as a knock. Par for the course, I guess. She didn't do it when I was a resident, why would she do it now that I'm a guest? "Of course you are. You're still in bed."

"Good morning to you, too, Mom," I say, feigning drowsiness. The truth is, I've been in awake for a while now, thinking about that kiss. "What's up?"

"Your sister wants to spend the afternoon with you." This is an actuality rather than a suggestion.

"But I have plans." Emily and Andrew actually have wedding stuff to take care off, but she doesn't need to know that. "I can't."

My mom's voice is thick with guilt-inducing nutrients. "What's more important – friends are family? She wants to spend a little more time with you before she practically locks herself in the studio next week. This is the only chance she has before the party to spend time with her little sister."

"I see." See – an actuality, not a suggestion. "Wait, she's locking herself in her studio? Why, to finish your dress?"

"Oh that's already finished. Now, she has to catch up on her other stuff." Other stuff, huh? What a way to slow down a business, mom. "Anyway, she's coming over in a forty-five minutes to make yourself presentable. You know how she is about punctuality."

"Oh yeah, I know. She's a hard ass about it, and she gets that from you." My mom shoots me a dark glance. Any further attempts to be a smart ass are extinguished. "Sorry."

"Get up and get ready to for your sister," she commands me. "And don't be late."

She heads out and soundly shuts the door. You think I'm scary when I use my whisper? I've got nothing on my mother.

I put on a pretty cream dress, some kitten heels, and a chain purse, and head out to some chic restaurant downtown with Noelle. After the waiter takes our order, she attacks me questions.

"So, have you given any thought to my offer?"

She catches me in a mid-sip of water. I fight the urge to spit it all out. "Excuse me?"

"My offer? Have you given thought to it yet?"

"Whatever happened to no pressure?" I place my glass back on the table. "You told me there was no rush."

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