Chapter 12

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Okay, if you think I'm not stressed at all, I am. I have some crazy rapist guy trying to find me and potentially kill me and everyone I know.

I brought up moving but then canceled it because I wanted to stay with my friends. And I know, it's not safe to have friends yada yada yada, but I like having friends! Their like the ones I had as a kid! And I missed having friends for the longest time and then BOOM! I have friends.

But yes, I'm terrified someone is going to post a picture or video or voice recording on me on social media and then that crazy maniac coming to find me. Yes, I'm paranoid as hell almost all the time.

Its just sometimes I just kind of chill out and do my own thing. So yeah.

And I'm also so stressed out to find out where I'm gonna live, because I have no heckin clue. It's wherever the court takes me, and I have no family members that live around here and that will take me in also changing their names and looks.

So, I don't know what's going to happen. But until I get a call or something, I'm staying at Catherine and Ash's house. And talking about that, Ash drove me back to my house so I could grab some things because I was going to be living with them until further notice. Ash opened the door for me then shut it when I started walking to the house door, Ash following close behind.

I unlocked the door with my house keys and opened it. I walked in, the house was quiet, a eerie quiet, scary almost.

Ash shut the door behind him and I start walking up the stairs to my room. I open my door to my room, familiarity rising up in my memories.

My hot pink walls covered in random posters of my favourite bands, YouTubers, or shows. My queen sized bed left untouched and made from the last time I was home- before summer started.

My wooden dressers with the same little marks from me as a kid. And my lights, my little Christmas or fairy lights, whatever you want to call them.

I turn on my old CD player, the songs playing on it loudly.

My white lace curtains were open, sunlight rolling through my room. I turn on my Christmas lights sighing. I remembered the good days in my room, all the days of being a child and running around careless and free. But not to free.

I sit on my window seat and look out the window.

A slow song plays as I hear a sigh from my doorway, I turn my head and see Ash looking at me. His guard was down. I loved it when his guard was down.

His shoulders where relaxed and he wasn't tense as he usually was. His eyes weren't piercing holes through me, but meirly looking at me, perhaps with longing.

"Your room hasn't changed much," he sighed, "well what I remember of it."

I chuckle, "the only thing new is the lights and the posters."

He chuckles and walks up to me holding out his hand, "may I have this dance m'lady?"

I chuckle and lay my hand in his. I shouldn't do this.

"You may" I stand up chuckling as he twirls me around my room. Who knew he could dance as well?

He twists and twirls basically throwing me around the room, this was the one time I wished I had a long puffy dress on, that way it would be thrown and looking fabulous as I was being twirled.

Did we hit anything in my room yet? No, but close sometimes. We were ballroom dancing and some how not hitting stuff.

We slowed the pace, and went back to our original position. He grabbed ahold of my waist pulling me closer to him, he then held my hand to about my shoulder height. I held his hand while my other was slung around his neck.

And when the song had ended we did the traditional bow to each other. I lifted up my imagandairy dress and bowed while he held one hand on his stomach and bowed back to me.

And after the song ended we both fell onto the floor gasping for air. Yeah dancing with him was fun, but it sure was tiring.

For about 30 minutes we layed in the floor relaxing and catching our breaths. And after that, I had started packing my clothes, finally remembering why we came here in the first place.

And after I was done packing my stuff in about three bags we walk outside and throw them in his car.

I close the back door and when I turn around Ash was standing close. I back up so my back was against the car, he followed at the same time getting closer to me.

I hesitate, his hand goes up to my cheek.

"What are you doing Ash?"

He whispers almost to himself, "your so beautiful," he looks into my eyes.

His dark green eyes dilate. My heart pumps against my chest, either over anxiety or love.

I'll pick anxiety.

"Erm, As-" I was interupted by Asher's phone ringing. He turns around answering his phone then walking away a bit.

I let go of a breath I was holding. Someone save me from this madness.

He then gets off of the phone, seeming tense and maybe a bit mad. He walks over to the driver's side of the car, opens the door and gets in. I do the same.

He starts the car and we are on our way back home.

He helps me with my bags when we get there, but soon after he leaves in a hurry, while he was still tense and mad.

I wonder why?

Why do you think Ash was mad?
Do you ship Zashy?
What is your favourite ship? I want to know!!


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