Im Doing It... ♡

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Okay. So. First off, I hope you all are doing well and I hope you all had a very very blessed Thanksgiving with your families. 🦃💙 Now I think I have come to a decision...

Remember when I suggested on writing another book? Most of your requested Teamiplier and some requested Nikki Bella and John Cena. But there is one I also want to start up. The Fault In Our Stars. That movie is literally my EVERYTHING!! (Next to The Bella Twins obviously 😂)

So not only am I going to be starting that book, I will definitely be starting a Teamiplier book as well! I'll start up that book around January. As for Nikki and John, I wanna do that one too but I'll start that one in a couple of months, probably around March. But TFIOS will be up two weeks from today! 😄😄

Hopefully you guys are gonna like TFIOS book and I know you'll love the Teamiplier book too! And DO NOT WORRY!! THIS BOOK IS NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GOING TO BE FORGOTTEN!! I actually am starting a day schedule for myself so I don't keep you lovelies waiting. So expect a new part every Friday.

Sorry for the late announcement, babes but I couldn't wait any longer to get the word out! I really really hope you guys like it, TFIOS is a bit different from writing about Mark so I hope you all don't see me in a different light! 😩🤞🏽

Have a blessed day/night everyone!!

~Quincey 😍✨

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