"Good morning Rae. I saw your mother this morning." He grinned. I sighed, sitting at my seat.

  "You too? Why must everyone know I'm her daughter?" I sighed. He looked at me with his eyebrows knitted.

  "Now, what does that mean?" He asked, coming over to my table and sitting on it.

  "Well, the thing is, she was captain of the cheer squad and valedictorian of her class. My dad made football history and his jersey is retired. No one knew we were related until now. And they put together that the nerd is related to the head cheerleader and possibly the football star. Not the best reputation for me wouldn't you think?" I explained in one breath. He stared at me, as I pulled out my sketch book which I finished last night.

I had drawn a circle and drew a bunch of pictures around the circle with the words "color outside of the lines" printed on it in neat handwriting

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou télécharger une autre image.

I had drawn a circle and drew a bunch of pictures around the circle with the words "color outside of the lines" printed on it in neat handwriting.

  "But it's still your mom. Plus, wouldn't that help your social standings?" He asked, heading to the bird for his daily doodle. I shook my head, opening to the first page.

  "No, not really. Because then I'm expected to reach her expectations." I sighed, drawing what ever I wanted.

  Mr. Arce finally dismissed the topic, so I could focus on my drawing.

  The bell rang as everyone filed into class. I put my pencil down, ready to see what my brain decided to draw today. A beach. It was a beautiful beach with waves crashing on the sand and the sun setting on the horizon. I noticed, how in the far right, I drew a couple. It looked like the ones from the movies, the girl had long curly hair with a loose dress flowing behind her. The guy had his jeans rolled up and they were holding hands. I grinned, closing my sketch book, as Naomi sat next to em and Mr. Arce began class.

"Today, you will be creating you portfolio covers, assuming all of you have finished your sketch books. I will pass them up then y'all can begin." He grinned at us. I nodded, as he handed me a portfolio. Another one of my favorite parts of a new school year. A new blank canvas.

I wrote my name in large print, putting designs inside each letter. I decided to do a water color top, so I got the water colors, and began painting over my portfolio. I turned out looking like a rainbow that faded into each other, with my name on top. I put it on the drying rack, as our AP came in.

"Mr. Arce. Can I please see, Raelynn?" She asked him. He looked at me as I grinned, heading to the hall with our AP.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked politely.

"Raelynn. I was wondering if you were interested in Peer Buddies again this year?" She asked me with anticipation in her voice.

Peer Buddies. A program I've been in since my Freshman year. A program where you get to hang out with the life skills students. Marcus and I did it, as a way to make others happy. We found out that we loved it, and have done it together since. Naomi never did it, because she just didn't really feel like she would enjoying as much as we did.

The Nerd's Best FriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant