65: Ok then.

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Group Chat between Selena and her friends

Courtney: Alright I'm thinking about having a girls night.

Raquelle: OMG yessss!!!!

Courtney: Woah, calm down lol

Ashley: I'm in.

Caro: Same

Theresa: Where at?

Courtney: My house

Francisa: Can someone bring candy and pizza?

Raquelle: I will, I just got a whole big bag of skittles from my mom lol

Courtney: Sel what about you?

Selena: Um, I'm kind of busy tonight.

Selena: Plus we literally just hung out two days ago

Ashley: What are you doing tonight?

Selena: Just meeting up with a friend of mine

Francisa: Guy or Girl?

Selena: Guy

Raquelle: Oh gosh...

Theresa: So you're blowing off your friends to hang out with the dick head then?

Caro: Theresa....

Theresa: Seriously Selena are you two dating again?!

Ashley: Well I mean they were spotted kissing...

Caro: ^^^

Courtney: ^^^

Selena: ^^^

Theresa: Wow.

Selena: Sorry

Raquelle: You're not sorry though.

Selena: Huh? I guess you're right lol

Theresa: Justin is the biggest mistake of your life.

Selena: If anything Justin is the best mistake of my life that I would keep making if it means I can be with him for one more night.

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