6: Well This Just Got Weird

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                                                                    Justin Bieber left the group chat

                                                        Selena Gomez left the group chat

Ariana: Well this just got weird

Kylie: You can say that again!

Araina: Well this just got weird

Kylie: 😒😒 

Alfredo: They left... WHY😭

Maejor: It's probably nothing they'll be back on later...hopefully

Zayn: Looks like Gigi and I are the next cutest couple😘

Gigi: Zayn how can you say that right now, my parents left the group chat!

Zayn: 😒

Kendall: This group chat is dead😒

                                                       Alfredo added Johnny

Johnny: Yo wassup guys!

Alfredo: Have you heard from Justin at all?

Johnny: Nope I'm hanging out with Hailey right know

Johnny: Wait let me add her!

                                                                    Johnny added Hailey

Alfredo: 😒

Hailey: Hey guys!

Kendall: Hey Hails!

Maejor: Hi....

Hailey: Maejor what's up I haven't seen you in awhile, Justin, you, and me need to hang out together

Maejor: Why Justin?

Hailey: Because I'm going to get him back, I love him!

Maejor: Oh lord...

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