35: Smell the Roses

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Justin's POV

"Justin what are you doing!"

"Kidnapping you."


Honestly I think it was a good idea to kidnap Selena. I have her tied to a chair in the kitchen. What? I need to talk to her somehow!

"Justin what the heck, is this some kind of joke!" Selena says mad while she's tying to get out of the rope.

"You know you look really cute all tied up and stuff." I laugh.

"Really Justin, now, what do you want!"

"Well I said I would tie you to a chair if you wouldn't listen to me." I smirk.

"You're a dick Bieber." Selena snarls.

"Yeah we'll this dick needs to be washed, I'm going to go take a shower!" I laugh while walking away.

"You can't leave me like this!" I hear Selena yell in the distance.

"Pretty sure I can princess, I'll be back soon." I laugh.

I jog up the stairs ignoring Selena who is cussing at me right now. I strip my clothes off and I turn the hot water on. I begin washing myself and I can't help but think of the times when Selena and I use to take showers together. When she would wash me and I would wash her too. Man, I wish we could go back to those days. I then start crying , and crying, and crying some more until it hurts to cry. How can she do this to me? Act like she doesn't care? I need answers now!

I get out of the shower and put my boxers and sweatpants on, not bothering to put a shirt on. I look in the mirror and see that my eyes are red from the tears I shed. If Selena asks I'll just say that I got soap in my eye. I walk back down stairs and see that Selena isn't in the same spot I put her in. She scooted her chair all the way to my fridge.

"Selena, what are you doing?" I ask trying to hold back a laugh.

"Not eating your pickles...." Selena says sacastically while eating another one of my pickles.

"Whatever, I was saving them for when you would come over again....not that you returned any of my calls to when I asked if you wanted to chill." I said looking down at my socks hurt.

"Oh, well then thanks!" Selena smiled, not even realizing that I was hurt.

"Now can you untie me so I can eat my pickles easier?"


"Wow thanks Justin for untying me!" she snapped while using sarcasm.

Selena's POV

I'm currently tied to a chair, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this. Number one, Justin is shirtless, and number two, he gave me pickles! Justin and I made eye contact and I could see that his eyes were red like he had been crying.

"Were you crying?" I ask.

"N-no I g-got soap in m-my eye." Justin studded adorably which meant that he was lying.

"You're stuttering, that means you're lying!" I smile.

"Jeez, for someone that doesn't care about me, still knows a lot of things about me." he smirks.

"Shut up, now why were you crying?"

"Stupid reasons."

"Tell me Jay." I said unaware that I just called him Jay.

"How can you just throw away a 7 year relationship, and say that you don't love me!" Justin yells.

"I-" I got interrupted by Justin.

"No listen to me first! I love you Selena! God dam I love you so much. I know you still love me Sel, you always have and you always will, so stop tryin to tell me to just 'Let it go'. Do you understand how hurt ad confused I was when you broke up with me? I was wandering the streets, in the rain, crying my heart out wondering what I did to deserve this. I'm still confused about it. You can say that you broke up with me because you don't love me but we both know that's a dumb lie! I don't understand why you did that to me Selena, I didn't cheat on you or hurt you. I really thought we were going to make it this time. But then I see picks of you and Abel hugging and kissing just days later. How could you do this to me! I love you Selena and I still love you no matter how much you put me through. So before you accuse me of things wake up, smell the roses, and quit acting so innocent!" Justin screams at me.

I'm officially speechless....

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