48: Away

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Abel: I miss you :(

Selena: I miss you too :(

Selena: How's tour life?

Abel: Good....I perform then me and the guys go out to a club every night. How's LA?

Selena: Good, I might hang out with Justin when he comes back to LA

Abel: Why.....

Selena: Because he's my friend.....?

Abel: I thought you hated him?

Selena: I could never hate Justin, he's my bestfriend.

Abel: He's not your bestfriend!

Selena: Excuse me!?

Abel: You can't be best friends with you ex!

Selena: I think I can!

Abel: You're probably cheating on me with him!

Selena: Are you serious!?

Abel: Yes

Selena: You're probably cheating on me with hoes at all the clubs you're going to!

Abel: I'm not Justin!

Selena: You're right your not Justin....Justin would treat me like a princess and hold the door for me, not call me a bitch like you do!

Abel: I call everyone bitch!

Selena: Yeah, well don't call me that. I liked to be called princess or baby.

Abel: Well you're not a princess and you're not my baby!

Selena: I can't believe you right now.

Abel: And yes, I have been cheating on you. Go cry in the corner of your room for all I care!

Selena: I'm not wasting ANY of my tears on someone as worthless as you!

Selena has blocked Abel


Double update :)

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