26: The Nice Guy

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Selena's POV

Courtney, Theresa, Ashley, and I all found a booth in the corner of The Nice Guy. I wasn't really paying attention the the conversation they were having because my mind was else where. I couldn't stop thinking about Justin and if he truly loves me like he says. I want to believe he wont hurt me but when your parents and your bestfriend says he will, it's hard not to listen to them.

"Are you Selena?" Ashley's voice says leaving me wondering what they were talking about.

"What was the question?" I ask.

"If you were dating anyone." Courtney says.

"Um n-no." I lied while stuttering.

"Good, so what do you say to dating Abel for publicity?" Theresa asks.

"Abel, from The Weeknd?"

"Yeah, he has a video coming out for his song Party Monster and he needs to boost the views up. Plus, I hear he has I crush on you!" Theresa winks.

"Um, I don't know, I'll get back to you about that later." I say feeling uncomtrouble about the situation of my love life.

"Speaking of dating...look whos douche of an ex is here!" Courtney says pointing at Justin who is walking in with Alfredo. I automatically tense up at the sight of my boyfriend. Thankfully they didn't notice us as they took a seat in the other corner of the room.

"I'm honestly so happy that you moved on from that asshole Selena." Ashley says referring to Justin.

"He ain't all bad..." I say as I mentally chuckle because I'm referring to Justin's song.

"He's with a new hoe every week Sel!" Theresa says.

"No he's not." I mumble.

"Selena, don't get me wrong I use to love 'Jelena', but that was before he played with your heart. You need to move on from him Sel." Ashley my long-time bestfriend says.

"Well we can still be friends." I say.

"Selena he ain't a true friend, we are." Theresa says.

"Justin has been my best friend since 2010! It doesn't matter if we broke up he's been my bestfriend forever!" I say wanting to defend Justin and I's relationship.

"I'm sorry Sel, we just don't want you around negative people." Courtney says calming me down.

"Don't worry I'm not dating him." I lie easily with a smile.

"Good!" Courtney says.

"So how about Abel?" Theresa asks.

"I still don't know." I say.

Justin's POV

She's here with her friends in the other corner. I need to know why she's been ignoring me but I can't go over there will her friends are here. Only Selena's parents know about us, unless she told Taylor. I feel kind of bad though, I haven't even told Alfredo and he's my best friend.

"Yo dude look," Fredo said pointing to Sel and the girls, "We should go say hi."

I debate but then I relize if I can get Sel alone, then I can ask her why she has benn ignoring me.

"Sure." I say.

Alfredo and I walk over to there table and the girls are hardcore staring at me. It's like they were talking about me before we showed up.

"Mind if we join you ladies?" Alfredo asm putting on his charm.

"Sure." Ashley says.

I take a seat next to Ashley and Selena. Ashley being on the inside, Selena in the middle, and me on the outside. Alfredo sits next to Courtney and Theresa.

"So what were you guys talking about before we came over here?" I ask.

"Funny you ask that we were actually talking about y-"

"Courtney!" Selena warns her friend.

"We were just talking about how lovley this resturant is!" Courtney says lying.

"Oh ok."

Then the girls and Alfredo started talking about all this random stuff that i wasn't really paying attention to.

"We need to talk." I whisper in Selena's ear as I see her tense up.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Selena whispers back.

"Then why have you been ignoring me?"

"I haven't." Sel responds.

"Stop lying, now tell me what's wrong." I say.

"I don't want to talk about this here." Selena says.

"Fine we'll go to your house.

"I can't just leave my friends here, I drove them." Selena said.

"I'll get Alfredo to drive them home."


"Hey, Selena and I are going to go talk at her house. Alfredo your going to have to bring the girls home." I say as Selena and I quickly make our way to her car ignoring the look on everyones faces.

The car ride to Selena's house was awfully awkard. The only time we talked was when I asked if we could turn the radio on. We arrived at Selena's house and lets just saying I wasn't ready for what was coming next....

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