52: Da Birthday Boi!

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Justin's POV

"Then he spilled his drink all over the girl!" Selena laughed as I told the story about how Alfredo was trying to flirt with a girl at the bar. We're currently sitting on my bed catching up on everything that we missed out on in each others life's. The only problem was Selena wasn't acting like herself, she was acting much more distant.

"So tell me how your love life is going with Mr. Starboy!" I asked Selena. I mean it's not that I actually wanted to know or talk about, but I had to be kind and show her that I can be her friend.

"He's good, we're doing really good. I just got back from touring with him for a little bit."

"I saw." I said, trying to cover up the anger I was feeling. I've seen everything that's been going on between them. I guess you could call me a stalker.

"I'm really happy with him...I think I'm in love." She whispered the last part as my heart shattered in a million more pieces than it already was. I felt my eyelids start to become heavy, I just wanted to cry.

"Oh," that's all I could think of "All ready?"

"Yeah we've only been dating for two months but I'm falling for him really hard."

"Don't you think it's moving to fast?"

"No, I love him, that's all that matters." Gosh how many times is she going to tell me that she loves him!

"I-I'm happ-y for you-u!" I stuttered holding back the tears that were staining the corner of  my eyes. 

"Thanks Jay that means a lot!" She smiled at me. Ok, did she not see that I was about to cry?


Thankfully she changed the subject,

"So did you get what you wanted for your birthday?"

"Um, not exactly."

"Well what did you want?"

'Told hold you in my arms and call you mine'

I wanted to say that but of course I can't because she has a boyfriend and lovessss him.

"That's not important." I snapped.

"Oh, ok then."

"Um, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure, what movie?"

"Stepbrothers!" We both said at the same laughing.

"Stepbrothers it is then!"

I turned the movie on and looked at Selena who has her eyes glued on the TV. She's so beautiful, I wish I could call her mine. I avert my eyes back to the movie but I can't help but feel lonely. Selena is sitting so far away from me. No matter if we're dating or not she's never this far away from me.

"Um, Sel, do you want to cuddle with me, I feel lonely over here by myself." I smile at her. But she doesn't return the smile, she just stares at the movie.

"I have a boyfriend Justin. I love him and I don't want to hurt our relationship." she snaps at me.

Love....There's that stupid word again!

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