5: Negative People

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                                                                    Texts between Justin and Selena

Justin: So... how's it going

Selena: What do you need Justin?

Justin: Come on Sel, I just want to have a conversation with you. What's your problem, I'm just trying to be friends.

Selena: Listen Justin, when i got out of rehab my friends and family have been telling me to cut out negative people in my life and they told me I should stay away from you...

Justin: Oh

Justin: I'm sorry

Selena: Why are you sorry?

Justin: Because I've obisously caused a lot of pain in your life to be labeled a negative person for you too be around.

Selena: Justin we were kids back then, we didn't know what we were doing

Justin: I know, but I still cause pain in your life...remember the Instagram fight?

Selena: I know you didn't mean what you said

Justin: Yeah, but did that cause you pain?

Selena: Well yeah...

Justin: Then I'm a negative person for you to be around...

Justin: I honestly wish you the best Selena, but I can't cause you any more pain. So it's best if we move on and you delete my number...good luck Sel

Selena: But Justin I love you!

                 Read 3:44 p.m.

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