27: Heartbreaks and Tears

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Justin's POV

There I stood letting the rain fall down on me. Tears uncontrollably falling down my face. Mud all over my new Nike shoes. Why did she do this to me. I don't know whether to feel hurt, sad, angry, or mad. I just stand there, in the rain, crying.....

2 hours earlier

Selena and I enter her house and we take a seat on her couch.

"I think we should break up." Selena says.

"Wha-at wh-y?" I stutter as tears start to gather in my eyes.

"I don't want my heart broken again." Selena mumbles.


"Justin everyone is telling me bout how bad of a person you are and I'm starting to come to my senses!"


" Not just them, Taylor, Ashley, Courtney, and Theresa."

"Selena don't listen to them!" I cry.

"Justin are you in love with me or the feeling?"


"Your just not the same person I feel in love with 7 years ago!" Selena yells.

"Well neither are you! You're changing too!"

"How am I changing!?" Selena screams.

"You act different and your skinnier!"

"What's wrong with being skinny?!"

"Nothing is wrong with being skinny, but your just not healthy Selena, your losing to much weight!" I say frowning.

"I want you to leave!" Selena said sternly.

"Selena come on, I love you! Everything was going so good between us!" I cried.

"Justin want you had is in the past and it's going to stay that way, now leave!" Selena pointed at the door.

"You're the love of my life Selena, don't forget that." I walked out Selena's door and to my luck it's raining. I was going to get in my car but then I realized that I don't have my car. I can't just ask Selena to give my a ride home after everything that just happened, I'll just have to walk home.

Present Time

I finally reached my house and I just walked up to my room. I was no longer soaked cause of the rain I was soaked cause of my tears. How does Selena still not trust me! I thought we were going to make it this time. Looks like we're just strangers with memories.

Selena's POV

I can't believe that just happened. I'm not a different person, if anyone is changing it's him! I would be lying if I said I wasn't in tears right now though. But I need to move on...for good.

Selena: Hey Theresa I'll do it

Theresa: Do what

Selena: I'll date Abel


Sorry guys I had to do it to make the book more interesting lol! I honestly was debating on adding Abel or not cause I just don't think him and Sel are anything. I feel like it was just that one night that they hung out and it was to promote him Party Monster video. I'll believe that they're actually in a relationship when I see more photos and when Abel starts to smile in the photos and act like he cares about Selena! Anyways tell me what you guys want to happen in this book because I'm up for suggestions!

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