61: Fetish

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Gigi: Yo Sel, Fetish is a BOP!!!👑👑

Selena: Aw thanks G!

Zayn: Babe why wont you promote my music?😔

Gigi: Because you've only had one hit song!!!

Kylie: woah...the shade is real

Zayn: Shut up Kylie

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Zayn: Shut up Kylie.

Maejor: Bro, you kind of set yourself up for that one....

Zayn: I wouldn't be talking Brandon, you're only famous for Lolly and for being Justin's friend

Alfredo: ouch.

Kendall: ^^^^^^

Selena: ^^^^

Ariana: Will you guys quit blowing up my phone!!!

Kylie: Ehhh.....

Selena: 😂😂😂

Zayn: Anyways, I'm just joking bro

Maejor: It's all good man

Kendall: Yay! Peace and quiet!

Gigi: ^^^^^

Justin: Hey guys!

Kendall: I jinxed it.

Justin: Buy Despacito on iTunes lets get it to number one!!


Selena: 🖕🖕🖕🖕

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Selena: 🖕🖕🖕🖕


Guys I know my updating scheldule is whack, you just need to be patient with me. Love you guys! p.s. Fetish is amazing (and so is Stained😉)

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