55: Wait What?!

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Alfredo: 'Pop star Selena Gomez will be joining her ex Justin Bieber on tour'......YOU TWO HAVE SOME EXPLAING TO DO!!!!!

Gigi: Wait what!? Is this true Sel?

Selena: Um.....

Kendall: omg.....Justin?

Justin: Um.....

Zayn: JELENA<3

Zayn: Wait, what about Abel?

Selena: I broke up with him.

Maejor: Single Justin and single Selena on tour....I wondering what's going to happen....

Selena: Shut up

Justin: Sel and I are just friends...

Kylie: Ok then Boi :)

Kendall: Can we talk about Zigi for a second? Like they're so freaking cute!


Short, I know. But I felt like you guys deserved an update. On a completely unrelated note, I'm SO sick of Abelena. I'm sorry guys but this seems fake to me. Selena has so many business things going on right now and Abel has a tour. She posted a selfie of them on Instagram and I'm sick of it. Has she ever posted a picture of Justin on Instagram before? Plus, I saw a video where they were at Coachella and she saw a phone taking a picture of them so she grabbed him and she kissed him.....

P.s. Zigi is so cute though!!! <3

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