Chapter 12-Shane

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A cab pulled up from 2 lanes away, which in my opinion was so dangerous and risky, and crashed into the curb. The wheel made a weird noise, but looked fine to me.

The man driving the cab got out to check if the tires were okay, and got back in. I rolled my eyes, opening the side door.

"Can you take us to Elm street and Lambard road?" Macy asked the cab driver as we got in. I put my seatbelt on, trying to ignore the harsh scent of cigarettes. 

"Sure." He grumbled.

I found myself gripping onto the seatbelt, as he recklessly drove. I clenched my jaw.

"This is the place, you gotta pay $10, now git out." He bit out. I heard an accent in it. Southern?  sat there, trying to figure out what kind it was, but I couldn't figure it out.

Macy fished a 10 dollar bill and handed it to him.

"Than-" Macy stared.

"No need for thank you or nothing, now git-" The taxi driver told us this sourly, but was cut off because we were rushing to get out. Southern accent, Texas maybe? I nodded to myself. Probably.

We shuffled out of the cab, and before I could shut the door, he had already sped off.

"Well he was nice." I told Macy.

She gave me an amusing grin.

I looked at the building in front of me. It was a brick daycare, with a faded rainbow, and peeling letters that read 'Sunnyside Daycare'.

We were going to have to fix that.

Just a little paint and it will do. I reached for the handle to the door but someone was coming out, and hit my arm with the heavy steel door. I honestly don't get why they have that, when its a daycare.

Oww. I glanced down at my arm, and it was bruised. Geez, I have some sensitive skin. I poked at it and hissed in pain.

"Come in, come in! I haven't seen you two in a while!" Joey exclaimed, as she came out.

"Oh no I didn't hurt you did I Ryan dear?" She asked.

She was a lot different. She dyed her hair blond, before it was red. She got a lot skinner too.

"No, I'm fine Joey." I assured. Even though it hurt like hell.

"Let me get you an ice-pack,come in."

Joey had left for about.. 2 years? Yeah, that's right. Now she looked so much...older. This November she'd be turning 49.

We followed her inside, me cradling my arm, and Joey talking to Macy about stuff.

A baby started to cry from the corner, in the crib.

"Oh poor baby, you'll have to get an ice pack yourself Ryan, is that okay?" Joey asked. I nodded.

"Just go into the kitchen and ask Sh-" She got cut off by the baby, practically screaming itself to death.

Ask who did she say to ask? Macy had left me to go look at the place and its babies. I pushed the doors to the kitchen open, and I was left shocked.

"Ryan?" Shane asked.

I laughed at the irony, "Shane?"

I tried again to ask him."What are you doing here?"

"I work here." He stated.


"Yes, is there a problem?"


"Well what is it?" His face full of concern.

I hesitated before deciding to mess with him. "The owner of this place... hunts vampires..."

His face paled. "What?" I tried to contain myself, but I couldn't and I bust out laughing.

After calming down, I wiped under my eye, playfully. "I'm kidding."

His face turned red with embarrassment."Whatever. What happened to your arm?"

"Weh.. Joey came out and hit the door on my arm." I told him, leaning against the counter, playing with a spatula.


"I was about to open the door, and she came out. That's all. Can I get an ice-pack?"

"Yeah sure. Wait how do you know Joey? And why are you here?"

"I used to work here, before Joey went vacationing or whatever it was she went to do." I explained.

Shane spun on his heels and went to prepare me an ice-pack.

He took a paper towel and put ice inside. He then taped the paper together and tossed it to me.

"OW!" I yelled as the ice hit my bruised arm.

"Are you trying to give me another bruise?!" I scolded him.

He put his hands up."No... I'm sorry.." He said. He looked down at the ground.

"Its fine." I told him with a sigh. I put the ice pack on my arm and then Macy burst in.

"I think I still like Shane after what happened today at the mall!" She said not noticing Shane was here.

He looked up in surprise, and gave her a crooked smile.

"Oh.. Uh, why are you here?..." she said in surprise. Her face started to turn red.

"Well guess what? I like you too."


Hey! I wrote this chapter, and then my computer shut down, erasing the whole chapter....

Causing me to write the whole thing over again. And to add to that, I burnt myself.


Anyway, hope ya liked the chapter!

P.S never proof read!

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