Chapter 6: Confiding.

Start from the beginning

Jimin nodded, pushing himself off of the lockers as Taehyung begun to head to the school's exit. The two boys would be studying together today, so Jimin didn't bring his car and was planning to get a ride from the younger.

"I'm feelin' alright" he said simply, following Taehyung into the parking lot. The younger quickly unlocked his car, opening it up and sliding into the drivers seat, allowing Jimin to make himself comfortable in the seat next to him. The first few minutes of the journey were quiet as the boys listened to Yoongi's mixtape, Tae mumbled the words as he followed the road down twists and turns, the final destination being his stately home.

Jimin stared out of the window for the most part, drumming his fingers against the car door. 'you're nothing but a player'. The words hit him unexpectedly as his friend came to a stop at some red lights. The blonde sucked in his bottom lip, exhaling deeply through his nose as he tried not to let that feeling of disappointment flood through his veins.

His brown eyes met Taehyung's in the rear view mirror, the younger quickly looking away as he noticed how uncomfortable his hyung looked. Jimin sighed again and before he could stop himself, the question that plagued his mind tumbled from between his plump pink lips. "Tae, do you think I'm a player?" he asked timidly, watching his friend's expression carefully.

Taehyung let out a string of laughter as he revved the car engine back up, passing through the green light. Jimin rolled his eyes, leaning his head against the window as he sighed once more.

"Wait, you were serious?" Taehyung questions, pulling the car over. Jimin nods sheepishly, a small blush creeping on his cheeks. "I mean, kinda, you're not really one to take relationships seriously hyung." Jimin nods, silently asking his friend to continue. "Why do you care all of a sudden?"

"Someone said something" The Busan boy responded simply, giving Tae a sad smile. The boy in question bit his lip as he switches off his car.

"Who was it?"


Taehyung paused all of his actions, looking over at his hyung incredulously. His lips form a straight line as he quirks a brow in curiosity. "But why do you care what she thinks? Everyone at school knows you have a reputation, heck even you know." The honeycomb haired boy asks, shifting slightly to look at Jimin.

The boy sighs, looking out at the road ahead of them. It's almost empty, since it's only the afternoon, it's dusty, from being over used and from the wind the carries over the sand. "I don't know" he shrugs, avoiding his younger's gaze. "She's my friend Taehyung, I care about what she thinks. Plus I may have said something that could've upset her"

Taehyung friend, not liking seeing his friend so bothered. "Hey, I'm sure whatever it is (Y/N) won't be too bothered about it, you're friends remember"

The boy offers his hyung a bright smile, to which he returns, genuinely. The younger boy starts the car again, continuing their journey back to the house.


"Aish (Y/N)" Mina whined, from her upside down position on your bed. Your gaze snapped over to her as you slowed your pacing. "I thought we agreed that you weren't going to be bothered by this"

You let a small sigh tumble past your lips as you come to a stop in the middle of your room. She looks at you, brows furrowed, lips pursed in a pout whilst her hair falls away from her face. Rolling your eyes, you move to sit cross legged on the fluffy carpet placed at the centre of your bedroom. "Minahae, Mina" you chirp, pushing a piece of popcorn past her lips. She chews it with a smile, humming in response.

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