- Chapter 27

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  • Dedicated to @PaynesQueen_

The final school bell rang signalling it was the end of the school day. I smiled to myself as I would be able to see Louis again. I packed things neatly into my school bag and swung it over my shoulder so it sat on my hip.

‘Hey Gemma, can I hang with you tonight don’t wanna be alone in my room’ Katelin said as she laughed the last part of the sentence.

‘Yeah sure I need to introduce you to the girls anyway, you’ve met the guys!’ I said cheerily. I held out my hand and she grasped it tightly. We skipped all the way down the dorm hallway laughing.

‘I think you’ll get along in our group just nicely’ I said through bursts of laughter. I opened the door to my room to reveal it empty.

‘Looks like they beat me to it!’ I said jumping on my bed.

‘Where is everyone?’ Katelin asked curiously.

‘Already with the boys I presume, Amelia dates Liam and Karine I think dates Harry’ I walked over to my draws removing my skinny jeans and my Hollister hoody. I put on a normal blue vest then my hoody over the top spraying a little perfume. I curled the ends of my hair to make it bouncy again. I wiped off the make-up from today and just put mascara back on, giving my face so fresh air. I sprayed deodorant as I put my Vans back on my feet.

‘Do you want to get changed before we go see the lads?’ I said as I un packed my bag then repacked it with my purse keys phone charger, iPod charger and the usual’s in case I stop at Louis’ that night.

‘Will be a good idea since I’m in my sports stuff’ she said as she tugged at the top she was wearing.

‘Okay well we can go now I’m ready’ I said smiling. I closed the door behind me and locked it, I followed Katelin to her room, she opened the door to a room full of boxes. There was only one walkway which lead to her bed and the bathroom.

‘Nicely decorated room’ I said laughing. I poked at a few boxes reading the labels.

‘Clothes, Shoes, Pictures, Books’ I whispered as I trailed my thumb over each word. I smiled remembering when I moved in. Our room had no walkway; we had to jump over every boxes. She started rummaging in different boxes getting out different items of clothing. She held them up to her tiny body smiling or frowning. She finally got changed in the bathroom and re did her hair. We walked out of her room and I showed her the best way to Louis’ room. I knocked on the door for Karine to answer.

‘Finally she arrives’ she said hugging me. Amelia came and joined in the hug.

‘Well it was either I smell that a… well something that smells probably Louis’ socks, or I come nice and clean’ I said releasing the hug and walking in to see everyone gathered around their small TV. An Xbox plugged in, playing Fifa 12. I hoped they had COD MW3, I owned at that game.

‘Who’s this?’ Zayn said.

‘Dude she was in sports you weirdo, your memory is fricking awful!’ Niall said elbowing him in the ribs. Zayn shifted uncomfortable hitting Niall back in the face with a pillow. Then World War 3 broke out, as we all grabbed pillows attacking one another. Louis came up from behind wrapping his arms around my waist gripping tightly. I screamed as he pulled my backwards. He sat on the floor and I sat on his crotch area my legs either side of his hips. My hands rested on his chest as his hands sat comfortably just above my bum. I kissed his nose, smiling deeply.

‘I missed you’ he said as he kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes and leant my head rest on his chest. I could feel his chest move up and down from his breathing. His warm breath tickling the back of my bare neck.

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