- Chapter 14

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I  haven't spell checked this so be warned!

I sat tucked up in his arms watching Love actually on TV. Harry’s choice. My head was snuggled into his chest as his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt his lips kiss my head. I smiled widely. I felt safe in his arms. But this just made me worry. He hasn’t done this in public yet.  Anyone who bullied me didn’t know this was happening. I pulled back slightly leaning against the cold wall thinking. I stared ahead of me thinking of possible scenario’s which could occur tomorrow. I hugged my knee’s tightly resting my chin on them. Louis looked at me worriedly so I kept me view away from his. I could feel his stare on me and It was hard to refuse not to look. I had to. I looked into his deep blue eyes getting lost. I blinked.

‘What are you going to do tomorrow?’ I whispered in his ear.

‘What you mean’ he whispered back. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

‘What are we tomorrow?’ I emphasised the “we”. He looked away scared and shy.

‘You don’t want us to go public do you?’ I said louder so Harry could hear. His head turned in our direction and watched.

‘You’re embarrassed of me, well sorry for being different! I’m not the average girl Louis! I’m different.. I thought you liked different’ I whispered the last bit for getting up and walking out of the room. I sighed heavily as I walked down the dark hallway. I could feel shadows around me and the feeling of eyes looking at me I kept walking. Turning the last corner and heading towards the lighted girl’s hallway. I pushed my bag back onto my shoulder as I dragged me feet along the floor. It only just clicked. I had sport tomorrow and Louis was in the same class. I’m not making the first move.

I found myself waking up to Karine and Amelia once again arguing over the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes checking the time. 7:58 Am. I yawned rubbing my eyes once again and sitting up. Karine was banging on the bathroom door as I heard Call me Maybe blast in the bathroom and the shower on. Then I heard Amelia’s awful singing and I couldn’t help but laugh. Karine turned around and gave me the death stare.

‘Who put a bow of nails into your cereal’ I said jokingly getting up. I studied my face to see a purple bruise on my left cheekbone. My eye was swollen yet I felt no pain. My nose was carefully surrounded my a red bump. I looked like the best!

‘You think make-up can cover this Kay?’ I said as I poked my swollen skin.

‘Let me look’  I turned around and let her look at me.

‘I don’t think so, my worth a try with concealer but don’t try mascara or eye-liner it will sting with it being swollen’ she nodded and lifted up my chin inspecting me more.

‘Thanks mum’ I said smiling at her. I looked at my bruise face one more time.  I looked horrendous but I will have to manage. I got myself dressed and applied little make-up to try and calm down the bruising. The swollen parts were starting to fall and I could finally see through my left eye. I pulled my bag on to my shoulder and headed towards the gyms. I pushed it into a locker locking the door and putting the key down my sock. Picking up my inhaler and water bottle. I headed to the track as I normally do forgetting my breathing problem. I started running with my bottle in my hand. My breathing started to alter but I kept going pushing through the dizziness that was occurring. I kept going until I couldn’t fight it I stopped instantly and sat down in the middle of the track. People running past unaware that I couldn’t breathe. I brought this on myself. I lay back breathing deeply but it only made it worse. I don’t want another asthma attack. I got back to my feet and ran as far as I could before I collapsed holding my chest. The teacher looked at me as I as the only one on the track. He came running over.

‘Gemma are you okay?!’ he had a sound of panic in his voice. I was choking on air. I pointed to my inhaler trying to sound it out but only choking noises fled my mouth. I saw Louis in the corner of my eye and avoided eye contact. I crawled to the bench where everything sat and grabbed the inhaler and opened it my hands shaking. I was struggling for air. My face turning a nasty purple and my skin going blue. I took a deep breathe before inhaling. I finally took a breath making the air hit my lungs like a bullet. I sighed heavily before closing my eyes.

‘Gemma are you okay?’ I heard Niall’s accent belt through my ears.

‘Oh what yeah I’m fine’ I said through panting.

‘Did you run?’ he said sighing and sitting next to me. I budged away before answering.

‘Niall don’t sit with me I don’t want you getting a bad reputation like Louis!’ I said sternly before getting up and walking away to the teacher. He looked hurt. But I kept going. I didn’t want anyone to hurt them. I was used to the hurt the pain they wasn’t.

‘Today we are doing Athletics. So I think we shall do a few field and track events. The track events consist of 400m Relay, 100m, 200m and the 800m. The field events consist of Long jump, Shot and Discuss. You’ll be doing 4 events 2 from track and 2 from field. Pick now’ I was left alone deciding which events. I decided to do the 100 and 200m as I was pretty fast and it’s an anaerobic event. I decided to do Discuss and shot as well and it was only a quick burst of energy.  I wasn’t the strongest but I’d give it ago.

I stepped up to do the 100m. Louis and Harry also lined up next to each other but a few people down from me. I was the only girl so I did everything with the lads. Obviously they would beat me but I’m going to beat my personal best, no matter what asthma I have.

‘ARE YOU READY?!’ the gunsman shouted. I got into position. And waited my heart racing.

‘ON YOUR MARKS!’  I breathed. The countdown felt like forever.

‘GET SET!’ I looked up to see Louis starring at me. He smiled. I was going to win this.

‘GO!’ my legs kicked in and I pushed myself up. I looked next to me to see them all in line. I was edging in front I pushed forward sticking my chest out. I ran past the finish line gasping for air. I instantly grabbed my inhaler taking 2 deep breaths of it. I smiled at myself as sir came walking over to us all.

‘Well we have a surprise victory for our females! Well done Gemma you edged first by a few centimetre’s’ I gasped.

‘You serious?!’ I yelled at him. I wanted to hug someone but there was no one to hug. No one to celebrate with I was lonely. I sat smiling to myself at my victory. I danced a little as I sang under my breath. A shadow cast over me and I looked up squinting. Niall stood there smiling. He opened his arms but I refused.

‘Niall they are looking!’ I whispered looking back down.

‘I’m not Louis I don’t care what people think of me, you’re my friend and that’s all that matters’ he sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder as he said congratulations in my ear. I smiled as I knew one person wasn’t a dickhead from the group.

I'm no average girl: I'm Different (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now