-Chapter 25

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‘Oh Gemma he won’t do that! Have you heard him talking about you? He can’t shut up about you ever! I think you’re his girl’ he said nudging my arm smirking.

‘I’ll believe that when we have kids and are married in 10years!’ I said hitting him back. He formed a perfect O before slapping my arm gently. I slapped him back, which ten caused a slap fight between us. We started slapping our hands before then it turned into a pure girls bitch slapping fight. He stopped slapping and I stood there confused.

‘I WIN YOU STOPPED FIRST!’ I said cheering then realising my bottle was covered in icy cold water. It dripped from my hair.

‘YOU SILLY LEPRECHAUN!’ I yelled at him running after him.

‘WHO WANTS A HORAN HUG?!’ I said laughing chasing him around the field until he stopped and opened his arms. I embraced him in the hug shaking my damp hair in his face.

‘You dog!’ he said as he spat.

‘You got it in my mouth!’ he moaned and he took a sip of his water before gurgling it and spitting it back out.

‘Did you just call me a dog mister?!’ I said pointing my finger at him. I started poking his ribs making him laugh like crazy. Looks like someone else is ticklish as well! I started tickling his ribs quickly until he was on the ground and surrendered.

‘You are one strong and smart cookie’ niall said as I pulled him to his feet.

‘I know it comes with the charm’ I winked at him before turning around.

‘Have you done your run?’ he said as he pulled his shorts down that were now trapped in the wrong places.

‘Well you interrupted me but I think I finished it off chasing you” I said gathering my things and placing them all into my bag neatly and organised.

‘I agree, you coming back to the boys room since it’s nearly 9am now?’ he said checking his phone.

‘Sure thang, but will Louis be up he isn’t a morning person’ I re-corrected my self repeating the sentence.

‘Will Harry be up he isn’t a morning person and could kill me’ Niall laughed.

‘He should be’ Niall reassured me as he put his arm around me. I shrugged it off.

‘No one said we can’t be best-friends!’ Niall stated pouting slightly.

‘Fine but only with you as you is irresistible’ I said flicking his lip.

‘And don’t pout too much or you’ll turn into the walking duck’ I said flicking his lips once again. He stuck his lip out more and I connected our arms. We skipped towards the changing rooms unhooking arms as we made our separate ways agreeing to meet in 5mins back out on the field. I put all my stuff in and undid my hair. It flowed down my shoulders a little wavy. Imagine hair that had been curled tightly and had dropped a little. My hair was naturally like that. The short it was the curlier it was. I kept it to just above my elbows. I walked back out spraying deodorant under my hoody. I saw niall stood there on his phone talking to someone.

‘Louis calm down mate’



‘I’m with her now’

‘You tell her not me!’ niall said before hanging up.

‘Who was that?’ I said playing with my hair nervously. I heard the end of the conversation. My head started giving me stupid scenarios that I almost believing them all.

‘No one’ niall said quickly going bright red. I grabbed his arm turning him towards me.

‘Tell me now!’ I said as I made my grip tighter.

‘Let him tell you himself it’s not my word to say!’ He said dragging me towards Louis’ room.

‘Is it bad?’ I asked him.

‘It’s good, really good actually!’ he said smiling. I believed him. My little heart could stop worrying now. I kept walking till I got to Louis’ room. I knocked 3 times before seeing a smiling boy already bringing me into his arms.

‘The news?’ I said as he pulled away. He started rummaging in his drawers before pulling out 2 pieces of what seemed like cards. He showed them me.

‘2 tickets for the script Next Saturday’ he said smiling his face off. I couldn’t stop my little fangirling heart.

‘NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU SERIOUS I GET TO SEE THEM…. LIVE!’ I started crying with happiness.

‘OMG THANKYOU THANKYOU!’ I sad hugging Louis really tightly. I started jumping on his bed screaming. I instantly rang Karine and Amelia.


‘WHAT WHAT WHAT!’ they repeated. I asked Karine to put it on loud speaker so I could tell them together.

‘LOUIS IS TAKING ME TO SEE THE SCRIPT!’ I said screaming and shouting all over again.  They started screaming with me and I had to remove the phone from my ear. A smile stayed on my face for the rest of the day. About over 12milllion billion trillion thank-you’s flying in Louis’ direction. He seriously knew how to make me happy and I loved him. 

Sorry this is a boring one, i needed to write something to finish of the Sunday, and i would like to declare that this week from Sunday-Thursday night i wont be uploading as i have week of at school and im going friend visiting then dress shopping and then packing so yeah i'm le busy. FROM 13TH JUNE - 6TH JULY i also won't be updating as im on holiday!  If you enjoy this pelase give feedback as i love it! and thankyou for 10K+readers! 



FAN <3

 Love Gemma <3 

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