- Chapter 15

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I smiled as Niall Released from the hug and ran back over to the boys. I leaned back onto the grass banking as I listened to the teacher.

‘We’ll do a field event now in case anyone has taken track events next to each other!’ He marked something down on his notepad before continuing.

‘Shot-put is up first!’ he commanded as he walked towards the area. I stood up moaning as my legs felt my weight above them. They already began to ache and I had another run to do. I wandered over humming to myself.

‘Okay so first up is... James!’ our Teacher read out. I blanked out everyone until i heard my name.

‘Gemma you’re up!’ he said. I sighed knowing I’d fail at it. I picked up the heavy black ball and rested it in my palm. I moved it onto my shoulder and bent my back leg. I lent back sticking my left arm in the arm. I closed my eyes breathing heavily. I breathed in and with one big push I released the shot out of my hand and hearing a “THUD” on the floor in front of me. I opened my eyes to see them measuring my shot.

‘34m’ he said proudly. I smiled happily; I’d just beaten my personal best 3m. I sat back down listening to who was left.

‘Louis your go!’ He smiled and looked over in my direction. Our eyes met but I looked away making things less awkward. Louis ended up throwing the furthest with 69m. I smiled to myself. I wanted him to be able to show me off. Tell his friends that he likes me obviously he doesn’t. I was just another girl he would use for sex. I got up and walked away. I didn’t want to be in this lesson anymore. I walked into the corridor after grabbing my stuff. I didn’t know what I was going to do, I just kept walking. My legs feeling weaker and weaker. I normally can run for a long distance and never feel this bad but it was hitting me hard.

‘Gemma?!’ I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see Louis running behind me. I shrugged my shoulders before turning away and carrying on walking.

‘Gemma please stop!’ he commanded as he touched my shoulder but I grabbed his hand and removed it.

‘Please I beg of you!’ I stopped and looked at him. Anger rising in me.

‘What?!’ I screeched at him tapping my foot nervously on the floor.

‘I want to say sorry for last night!’

‘Sorry for what?! For agreeing that you want me for sex? Agreeing that you don’t even like me in the first place! You knew I was an easy target to get in bed so you used me! You used me Louis! I’ll never forgive you for that!’ I screamed at him as I hit his chest crying.

‘Why do you keep bringing up my past?! IT’S MY PAST! i think of now and the future, every second ahead is a step into the future!’ he said quickly.

‘I think of you not changing’ I said stubbornly back.

‘How would you know? You don’t know me as well as you think you do!’ he defended himself.

‘I know you enough to know you can’t stay in a relationship for longer than 2days!’ I said.

‘You know my reputation! Not me~! Give me a chance I’ll prove it to you’

‘Prove what? That you’re good in bed? No thanks that is not what I signed up for!’ with that I turned on my heels and left. I was crying as I walked away but mainly with anger. I was stopped in my tracks by a hand spinning me around. His lips crashed with mine and we passionately kissed in the hallway. I fell for it and kissed him back. The bell rung but we didn’t care. Students and teachers walked past starring. We broke apart our foreheads meeting. His thumb wiped away the tears that still sat on my cheek.

‘Does that prove anything?’ he smiled. I nodded shyly. Everyone stood staring at us.

‘Why are you with that.. thing?!’ one girl shouted out.

‘LOUIS! You’re meant to be mine!’ Cyanna said gasping as she ran towards me.

‘Why don’t you stay away from my man?’ she said as she squared up to me.

‘How about you get out of your day dreams and understand you’re a dumb idiot!’ I shouted back. Her hand raised and I clenched my face ready for a slap. I heard everyone scream ‘OOOOOHH’ but yet my face doesn’t sting.

‘Wanna hit my friend come through us!’ Karine said as she stood in front of me. Amelia stood next to her, her arms folded. She pouted a little. Cyanne held her right cheek almost crying and ran off. I mouthed thank you to Karine before turning and seeing Louis stood there smiling at me. He grabbed my hand and walked through the crowd. Liam came from behind Amelia and picked her up by the waist. She squealed as he spun her around.

‘put me down now woody!’ she yelled. I burst out laughing.

‘Woody?’ I questioned in fits of giggles.

‘Yeah I’m woody and she’s my Jessie’ Liam replied looking proud.

‘WHAT ABOUT ME?!’ Niall questioned as he gasped.

‘You’ll be mine forever bud!’ Zayn said wrapping his arm around Niall’s shoulder.

‘I hope so my Vainy Zayny’ He said smiling.  

‘What about me?’ Karine said putting and pulling a puppy dog face. Harry was straight away on it.

‘I got you Karine’ he winked at her before making there hands link together. We walked away like we’ve known each other for ages. But with my luck something had to go wrong somewhere.   

I'm no average girl: I'm Different (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now