- Chapter 4

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I walked down the hallway and straight into the girl’s bathrooms. I shut one of the stalls doors before closing the toilet seat and just sitting there. My mind firing questions that can’t be answered. I fiddled around with the corner of my bag biting my lip. I picked my bag up and shuffled out of the cubical. I looked at myself in the mirror before turning away before I broke it. I rushed down the corridor and to my room not wanting to bump into anyone. I kept going until I saw the stairs that lead to my dorm room. I slowed down my walking knowing I was in the all clear. I started opening my bag rummaging for my drink. I found it and took a swig. The cold water flowing down my throat I chucked the empty bottle towards the bin missing. I walked over and bent down to pick it up but another hand had beaten me. I looked up to see him again.

‘Are you following me?’

 I asked sternly as I stood up, tugging at my jeans. I looked up at him to find him fiddling with his thumbs starring at the floor. He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated and then walked away. Ignoring my question. I just turned and watched him walk away. I just starred, my eyes looking straight through him like he was a ghost. I was confused now.

I walked on getting to the dorm to see Karine on her laptop and Amelia in the shower.

‘Twice in one day?’ I said sarcastically chucking my bag onto my bed. With my luck I missed the bed and it landed with a smash on the floor.

‘She said she had done sport and she felt sweaty’ Karine laughed as she took her attention back to her laptop.

‘oh god if she uses my shampoo I’m going to kill her!’ I said picking my bag up and removing everything from it. I put evyerhting away in it’s place before I figured out Karine was staring at me.

‘Do you have make-up on?’ she questioned looking at me deeply.

‘a bit why?’

‘you never where it!’ she exclaimed looking through her make-up bag.

‘did you use mine?’ she questioned as she lifted out her lidless foundation raising her eyebrow at me.

‘only a little bit I wanted to see if I looked better’ I quickly said.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I won’t use it ever again!’ I said rushed running over to her and apologising some more.

‘Gemma it’s fine! We’ll have to get you some do you think boots will be open now?’ she questioned as she stood up shutting down her laptop and putting her make-up bag back on the side.

‘what time is it?’ I checked my phone to see it dead so I looked at Karine.


‘I think it shuts at 9pm so wanna wait for Amelia and then go?’ I looked at the bathroom door to hear Amelia shout yes and then the cupboard doors opening and closing. I laughed and Karine just nodded. I looked in the mirror examining myself. I turned looking at the jeans. They made my legs look skinnier than my normal ones. I took of my floral shirt and then vest underneath. Putting the flora shirt back on. It sat nicely above my bellow button. I looked at myself again examining my body. It looked good. I put on my denim sleeveless jacket before packing things in a smaller bag.

Amelia was finally ready an hour later and we set off. We walked down the hallway to the bus station.  We finally arrived in town 15minuets later and were already on our tracks to boots. Our eyes darted from shops to shops as we passed them. All agreeing we’d go back in later. I also peeped a Nando’s on our way. Chicken was the healthiest thing I can eat to keep me going. I’d convience the girls to go there.

‘Ohh this one!’

‘No this one!’ Karine and Amelia argued which colour foundation would suit me best. I was pale skinned so I went with the palest. I paid for my stuff before leaving the shop with my first bag.

‘Can we go to Nando’s for tea? Can’t be bothered to order in or eat in the canteen tonight’ I sighed as we walked past it again.

‘After we go in Zara, New look, Topshop, River island ‘ Amelia stated laughing as we turned into Zara.

An hour later and we was no longer empty handed. All of us had at least bought something from every shop.  

‘NANDO’S WE GO!’ I said linking arms with Amelia, my confidence has raised in the past few days. I opened the doors too see him sat there with his friends.  I turned around instantly. The hunger was gone. I felt nervous.

‘Where you going? Thought you wanted food?’ Karine questioned as she stood halfway in the door.

‘Oh ermm…. Errm nowhere lets go eat’ I said trying to act as if I haven’t seen him.

‘Table for 3 please’ Amelia said and we was escorted to our seats. We sat in a booth at the back A few tables behind them. Louis was facing me so I Chose to have my back towards him. Blocking him out. He had me so confused lately and I didn’t like it.

‘The usual’s?’ I asked as I stood up going to order. They both nodded then started talking as I walked off to order our meals.  I stood with my arms folded 4th back in the line. I tapped my foot as I sang the man who can’t be moved in my hand. Humming a little. I felt a warm breathe tickle the back of my neck I turned around to one of his friends stood there. He was the curly haired boy. He smiled before looking ahead and then back to his phone. I smiled back as I turned around to order.

‘Is that everything?’ the man asked me as I collected the 3 glasses for us.

‘Yes thanks’ I smiled taking the receipt and letting him stamp my nando’s Card.

‘Okay your meals will be over shortly’ he smiled again as I carried my glasses over placing them on the table gently.

‘Took you so long stringy?’

‘Huge queue now go get me a drink servants I paid for food!’ I said giggling. They both sighed as they got up to collect cutlery and drinks.

‘MEADIUM SAUCE AMELIA PLEASE!’ I yelled across the room grabbing her attention she smiled grabbing it. I looked at my iPod clicking on doodle jump. My attention was taken away as a shadow overcast me. I looked up to see him there again.

‘Hey ermm Lou wanted me to give this to you’ he said rubbing the back of his neck. I opened it to see a number and a ‘call me?’ scribbled at the bottom of the napkin.

‘No thanks’ I said shoving the napkin back in his hand and returning my view back to my iPod. He opened his mouth to talk but stopped himself and walked back to the table. The girls walked back looking at me with massive smiles on their faces.

‘what was he doing over here?’ they asked at the same time. I could feel my face turning a bright red.

‘He tried to give me that Louis’ number but I refused’ I stated looking again back at my iPod.

‘Why didn’t you take it?!’ Amelia almost screamed at me as she looked at their table to see them all looking at us.

‘Be quiet!’ I said hushing her.

‘I didn’t take it because he’s a prick always bullied me and threw the soup on me in dinner why should I give him a chance?!’ I stated folding my arms and starring at them both.  They shuffled in their seats. I turned around to see 3 of them walking in this direction. This would be good. 

I'm no average girl: I'm Different (A Louis Tomlinson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now