- Chapter 2

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i woke up to a woman sticking her warm clammy hands in my eyes, shining a bright light into both eyes. I coughed making the woman jump back. A pain hit me between the eyes. Then the memory came back.

Flashback: ‘OI STRINGER HEADS UP!’ I turned around to see a ball flying at my face. It was too late I tried to duck but it hit my right in between the eyes. I felt the ground beneath me and then the darkness hit me.

I blinked squeezing my eyes together to try and stop the pain.

‘I’m just going to go ring your mother to ask if you are allergic to any medicate-‘

‘NO!’ I interrupted, if someone rang her during work she’d flip out on me.

‘I know I’m not allergic to anything it’s in my records!’ I said quickly in one breath. I looked at her giving her the ‘don’t you dare’ look. She just laughed and walked back to me handing over the paracetamol. I took them both with one swig of water. I felt fine just a thumping pain in my head. I sat up and looked in the mirror to see a blue and purple mark on my forehead. I turned to the side and saw the extra head I’ve grown off my forehead. The lump was massive. I stroked across it and felt a stabbing pain in my head. The headache was growing.

‘What time is it?’ I said turning to the woman who was writing stuff down.


‘How long was I asleep?’

‘You were out for a good hour and half! That football hit you hard on the head, sent you flying everyone was worried’ woah back up.. everyone was worried? HA! Won’t believe that.

‘All the boys rushed to you according to your coach.’ I couldn’t hold back the laugh.

‘HAHA! LOL!’ I screamed not realising I just LOL’d in front of a teachers face. I covered my mouth with my hand instantly hiding the smirk that was getting bigger on my face.

‘if you don’t believe me than please go look outside in the waiting room.’ I took her up on her offer and walked over to the door I opened it with a cocky smile on my face to see the smile been wiped away. There stood the boys that aimed the ball at my head. I was speechless. I shut the door to quickly and grabbed the attention with the noise the door made as I slammed it. I leant against it my breathing picking up. The nurse wasn’t lying.

‘Told you!’ she said cockily. I walked and grabbed my bag swinging it on my shoulder before opening the door to see 5 faces looking at me. I walked straight past them ignoring them. One of them shouted me back but I ignored them, they just wanted to embarrass me even more. Something brushed my arm and I turned to see a flustered boy there.

‘Hey wait!’ he said as he caught back up with his breathing. I shrugged his grip of my shoulder and took a step back examining him.

‘What? Come to embarrass me more?!’ I said sternly.

‘No…’ his voice went high pitched as he said this and made me chuckle abit. He coughed and repeated himself.


‘Then what?’ I said looking him straight in the yes. He looked back at me.

‘I wanted to see if you was alright, and say I’m sorry for aiming the ball at you’ he looked genuinely sorry but I was told this one was a good actor. Well I think it’s him. I don’t do good on names.

‘HA! Whatever’ I turned and walked away.

‘I AM! I MEAN IT!’ he yelled after me but I just carried on walking. I didn’t believe him. He was one of the ‘popular’ apparently any girl would have died to be seen with him. I don’t see the big deal. I walked to the canteen to see Karine and Amelia already eating with some other girls. I walked over slightly embarrassed.

‘WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!’ Amelia screaed as she rushed to me.

‘Some pricks aimed a ball at me in football hit me in the face as you can see’ I said making out it didn’t hurt when the pain was increasing.

‘aw well we got you your dinner as you were late and we didn’t want you getting scraps you can pay us back whenever’ she smiled. I took a seat next to her and was finally introduced to the girls that also sat at the table.

‘Hi I’m Thalia!’ She was the bubbly type, really pretty. I looked at the next girl and she introduced herself to.

‘I’m Joanna!’ she spoke a bit quieter but still showed the hyper side.

‘I’m Gemma!’ I spoke back smiling waving at them both.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned after swallowing my last bite of my chicken sandwich, to see him stood there again. The whole hall went quiet as he just looked at me. He mouthed ‘Sorry’ at me and before I knew it a bowl of warm soup collided with my face. Dripping down my clothes. I looked at him in disgust before wiping away the soup from my eyes and flicking it at him.

‘Hope that made you feel fucking proud!’ I yelled at him before grabbing my bag and heading towards my room.

My head was all over the place but my feet leaded me to my room. I turned the last corner to then hear footsteps behind me. I kept on going quickening my pace hoping for him not to be there. I got to my room and unlocked it with the card before quickly shutting the door behind me. I listened through the door to hear the footsteps stop. Then they started again but gradually grew quieter. I sighed before heading towards the shower. Washing the warm soup out of my hair. I undressed myself from the sticky clothing. It was even down my bra. ­I washed my body and my hair thoroughly before even stepping out of the shower. I towel dried my hair before putting fresh clothes on. I looked at myself; I gave them every right to be horrible. I never wore make-up to cover my spotty face. I always wore baggy stuff that made me look ten times bigger than I am and my fashion sense wasn’t even into getting Chino’s yet, I was still in my black skinny jeans.

I rummaged through Karine’s make-up bag to try and find something. I’ve never used make-up. I applied very little of foundation and mascara. I looked at myself to see a whole new person. I changed my fresh clothes into something that looked better. I straightened my wavy hair before setting of back down to my Geography lesson. I walked straight there keeping my head down and my feet moving fast. I opened the door to my geography room to see everyone already sat down and the lesson already beginning. Just my luck the Boy who covered me in soup was sat there looking at me. I ignored his glares heading towards the only seat available which was 2 rows in front of him. I felt his glare on me so I turned around and looked at him. I gave him the ‘what you looking at’ look before his eye contact left mine.

‘Where have you been Ms Stringer?’ Mr Wilks said strictly at me.

‘I’ve been cleaning soup out of my hair as I…’ I stopped, I couldn’t say it was him it’d make me a snitch.

‘As I spilt it down myself’ I said under my breath, almost muttering it.

‘You can then join Mr Tomlinson for a late detention after school for 30mins’ I sighed heavily dropping my head. I had to sit with him in a room for 30mins just sat doing nothing.. kill me now.

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