Chapter 89

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February 14th, 1813


Dear Fitzwilliam,

I imagine you must find it strange for me to be writing to you in such an informal manner. Well, let's just say that, now that we are brothers, I felt I could call you by your first name. Besides, your sister insisted I did so.

I must explain myself. A few months ago, your sister did me the honor of accepting my hand, and made me the happiest man in the world. I believe you know the feeling, for you also fell in love with Nat in the last few months, did you not?

Now you must be wondering how I know about yourself and my sister. Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but you told me this yourself. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, you crossed the portal, came back to February 13th, 1813 (which was yesterday), and told me exactly what I should do.

When you came back in time, yesterday, you were holding the exact same letter I am writing now. With all this time traveling, I must admit even I, the time traveling specialist, have lost track of whose idea this was originally. It doesn't matter, really; what matters is that it's brilliant.

The plan is the following: you're coming back to the past (or your own present) and you're telling me all the information I put in the following three pages, so that I can send you, Nathalie and the Professor (who is the direct descendent of the Darcys and the Estevez-Browns, by the way) the proper instructions.

Before you can speculate, let me make one thing clear; I'm not returning to the 21st century, Fitzwilliam; you are. Your sister didn't just become my bride; in a few months, she will become the mother of my child. So, you see, I am already home. Pemberley is, and will be for the rest of my life, my home. I'll be wherever – and whenever – Georgiana is.

Again, I'm pretty sure this is a need you will understand. Just as it happened to me, your home is not in the time when you were born anymore. After offering me all the information I needed for this brilliant plan, you returned to the 21st century, my brother. You went back to Nat.

And I'm thankful you did, for my absence will leave its scars in the future, as yours will leave their own in the past. I need you to help my family understand, to help them heal, as much as you need me to be here for Georgiana. She misses you every day. But she also comprehends why you chose Nat. After all, I also chose her and this present over my own family and my own time.

So, please do me the favor of stop reading this letter over and over. The words will not change, just like this difficult choice will be still difficult, no matter how many times you read my words.

Just come to 1813 so we can talk. So we can change, forever, our futures.

Your brother,

Ethan Brown (also known as Doctor Snow)


Mr. Darcy had no idea how she would react. After all, she would have him, but she would lose her brother as well. He simply hoped he would be enough for her and her family. He would have to be enough.

He took a deep breath and crossed the portal. For the last time.

The first thing he saw were her green eyes. For a split second, they seemed relieved, but then, they turned watery, and she began to weep. His chest was tight by the time he reached her. He held her in his arms, telling her kind words.

There would be time to explain. There would be time to recover. There would be time to propose as well.

For better or for worse, all Darcy had now was time. Hopefully, he'd have Nat by his side too. For the rest of his life, in this new, strange era.


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