Chapter 88

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Never in his life did he think he would have to make such a choice. The woman he loved versus... Everyone else he loved.

No, that wasn't accurate, for he also loved other people from this strange era. In the few months he'd spent in that century, he'd learned to love Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Estevez-Brown, even Grandma. They had become, for lack of a better word, his family.

Would he be able to live again in his century, full of its silly rules and silly prejudices? Yes, the 21st century had its own problems (and many of them, for that matter), but now he'd feel out of place in his own present! Without Nathalie!

Yes, she was the main reason he wasn't a hundred percent convinced he should return. At the same time, he knew he must. He'd neglected his dear Georgiana long enough, along with his beloved Pemberley.

Yet, not even those two very important reasons were enough for him now. Still, Georgiana and Pemberley were his duty and his duty alone. He should return. He would return. That was what a gentleman would do. He would not be selfish and think of his own feelings. Instead, he'd do the right thing.

But this present – over two hundred years into his future – also felt so right now.

Blaming his wild feelings for the nonsensical thought, he opened the letter Mr. Dumbledore had given him. According to the Professor, Mr. Ethan Brown's letter would explain everything.

It took him quite some time to read it all, for there were four whole pages. Besides, its content shocked him; from everything he'd expected, it certainly wasn't the letter in front of him. He read the first page of the letter again and again, wondering if he could have misinterpreted Ethan's words. They were crystal clear; no way misunderstanding them.

Now, Mr. Darcy felt confident. He would go to the nineteenth century. He just couldn't face Nathalie as he did it. For he would have to brake her heart.

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