Chapter 62

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They had left Mike back home, with the address of where they were supposed to go, just in case. Indeed, the Estevez Brown family had recognized Ethan's handwriting, but they thought it safer to have a backup plan. Besides, it hadn't been Ethan who had invited them to that fancy building in Central Park South, but a man who supposedly worked on his behalf.

Carlos had barely touched the penthouse's bell when a man in his seventies opened the mahogany door. He wore white gloves, a dark suit and shining black shoes. "Good morning, and welcome", he pronounced slowly, with a smile that wrinkled his entire face, then moved away from the door, so the family could enter.

"Hello, there", Carlos answered with all the energy he could muster, as he stepped into the elegant apartment, "Are you the Professor?"

"No, Mr. Estevez. I am the butler", he stated in a light tone, looking proud to be confused with his employer.

"Dude, are you from the nineteenth century too?" Bobby considered if the old guy was Fitz's uncle or something. He definitely spoke like his time traveling friend. Plus, he was a butler.

"Bobby!", his mother scolded.

"It's all right, ma'am", the butler assured Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, controlling his laugh. It would not be appropriate to laugh at his employer's guests. "The Professor will come shortly, but he's requested me to take you to his library. Would you mind?"

"No, of course not. Thank you...", Elizabeth hinted, in order to get the man's name. She didn't like acknowledging someone as "the butler".

"My name is Robert", his smile was broader now, and he glanced at Bobby, "But I guess you might call me Bobby as well."

"Thank you, Bobby", Elizabeth answered with a polite smile.

They followed the butler through the foyer and the spacious living room. Even though the group was able to notice the rooms were elegantly furnished, the thing they truly paid attention to was the view. All windows overlooked Central Park, taking Julia's breath away, impressing Elizabeth, mesmerizing Carlos, and making Bobby gasp rudely in surprise. He earned a squeeze on the back of his neck by his father and a frown from his mother for such impoliteness.

Robert the Butler guided them to a room inspired by Coco Chanel's illustrious apartment in Paris, its owner's favorite space in the many-million-dollars penthouse. The library walls were covered by eighteenth century Chinese lacquer panels, its large windows also overlooking Central Park. In the center of the room, there was a three-seat couch, facing two armchairs. On one side, there was a fireplace, and, on the other, there was a nineteenth century wooden desk, facing the only wall lined with bookshelves in the room.

"I will get you some tea", Robert announced, leaving the library.

"Wow", Elizabeth exclaimed, as she examined Mr. Rockwell's small, yet rare, collection of books. "I feel better now. No man this intellectual could offer us any threat."

"Don't jump to conclusions, dear", Julia warned her somewhat prejudiced daughter, "After all, Ted Bundy was quite intelligent."

That earned a new frown from Elizabeth and giggles from Bobby and Carlos. "There's nothing here good enough to read..." Bobby stated, already feeling bored, and threw himself in the couch.

"Whatever do you mean, Robert?", his mother was taken aback by her son's statement.

"He's probably right, sweetheart. After all, a guy who reads Plato and Voltaire is either a snob or boredom in human form..."

"I read Plato and Voltaire!", Elizabeth protested.

"I rest my case", Julia whispered, making her grandson giggle again.

"Now, who's being prejudiced, Julia?" Carlos noticed his wife had been wounded by her mother's little joke, so he decided it was better to present a defense in her name. He was glad to do it; Elizabeth offered him a thankful smile.

"Touché, my dear", Julia said, right before the infamous Professor entered the room from a different door than the one they'd used.

"Well, good morning to you all."

He was an older man, but his age wasn't obvious. They went through the familiar greetings, weather remarks and annoying small talk, until Julia got tired of it and blurted out, "Who the hell are you and what have you got to do with my grandson?"

All stared at Grandma with dismay, except for the man the insult had been aimed at. The Professor threw his head back and laughed out loud, so hard it made his white beard shake, his blue eyes water and his cheeks flush. Without further words, he walked to one of the corners of the room, to a painting covered by white linen.

"Do not worry, everything shall be explained", he stated, uncovering the painting in a swift movement.

That time, all of them gasped.

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