Chapter 57

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February 14th, 1813


My dear Nat,

I wonder what must be going on in your oversuspicious, overthinking and beautiful mind right now. You probably feel like you can't trust anyone, particularly the man who went to your time in my place. I'm guessing, even though we are impossibly apart, you want to hate him, for what you believe he has done to me and our family.

I must beg you to blame no one but me, Nat. After all, this is entirely, a hundred percent my fault. If there is a true victim in this whole situation, it is Fitzwilliam Darcy.

I am the reason Mr. Darcy ended up there. I am the reason Bobby and Dad lied to you and Mom. I am the reason the Bureau was after you. Most importantly, I am the reason you were taken.

Yes, the people who took you did it under my specific instruction. Everything will be explained in time, Nat. You will just have to trust me on this, and you'll have to trust the people who gave you this letter. For everything to work out, I will need you to follow my plan (which is brilliant and flawless, by the way) and you will have to have faith in Fitzwilliam Darcy, too.

The people who work for me will take you both to a safe place, where you and our traveler friend will hide until Travis finds a way to bring Darcy back. Just make sure you two do not kill each other until then.

Do not worry about our parents, Bobby or Grandma. They have received a similar letter, informing them you are safe. Please, do not try to reach out to them or contact them (nor Fanny) in any way while you are hiding, otherwise you might be found.

Do not worry about school either; yes, I might be far away, still I thought of every angle. The people who work for me have already made the necessary arrangements in that regard as well.

Please, please do as I bid you, Nat. You can have my entire swords collections when you are allowed to return home.

I miss you all very much, sis.

All my love,


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