Chapter 77

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It was the third "WHAT THE" Fanny had yelled since she started watching the video. Someone had sent it to her via WhatsApp, and, at the beginning, it had been amusing enough, with the guy in a weird white armor fighting the dude in a white tunic. She wasn't sure who the characters were, but she recognized them from the Star Wars movies the Estevez Brown siblings had forced her to watch a few times.

The first "WHAT THE" happened as the camera was pointed at a woman dressed in a very sexy, very revealing bikini outfit. Fanny recognized her immediately as Nathalie. To her relief, Nat seemed very alive, and somewhat amused as well, even though Fanny could read some stress in her eyes.

If she's alive, why hasn't she returned my messages? I'm gonna kill her!

The second "WHAT THE" was said when the camera's position made it possible for the viewers to see the guy in the white tunic's face. It was Darcy, and he looked concentrated and very angry. Wow, who was he fighting with those weird light sticks?

Finally came the third "WHAT THE". It occurred as soon as the guy Darcy was fencing decided to take his helmet, after being humiliated by the hot British. It was Detective Doug Brooks, who now Fanny referred to as "the asshole who cheated on Nat".

"THEY'RE ALIVE!" Fanny yelled, as she heard Terry's voice picking up the phone.

"Good morning to you too, Fanny", Terry wished sarcastically, since it was five in the morning and he had gone to sleep at one A.M. the previous night. Actually, he went to sleep that same day, so he wasn't in his best mood.

"Screw you!", she answered, already annoyed at him for a reason he knew to be inexistent.

"Oh, thank you. You're always so kind." He should end the call, but, as usual, he couldn't be offended by Fanny's mood variations.

"Shut up and watch the video I just sent you." She couldn't believe she was the one who had found Nat! Now, all Terry would have to do was find out where the video had been filmed. That couldn't be difficult, right?

After a few minutes, she was tired of waiting, "So, what do you think? Where are they? How long before we can get there?"

"I thought you told me to shut up", Terry said calmly. And dryly.

"Grrrrrrrrr", Fanny literally growled.

"Did you just growl at me?" Wow, Fanny could be sexy even when she was practically foaming.

"Answer me. Now." Fanny was dressing quickly; she had to buy flight tickets, tell her boss she'd need a week off, get her nails done (no way she'd travel without manicured hands and pedicured feet; one needed priorities in life), and order her nerd neighbor to take care of her plants (he always did it if she showed him some cleavage).

"It's not that easy, Fanny. They are in a garden, so there isn't much to go on. I could get someone from forensics to try find out who was responsible for this video, but this isn't an official investigation, so–"

"So you're telling me there isn't much you can do", Fanny was becoming frustrated. All she wanted to do was find her friend and figure out what was going on.

"I'm really sorry, babe. I'd love to help you out, you know that. If there was anyone who knew her whereabouts..."

There was someone. Fanny had an idea. "I think you can help me after all, my American version of Idris Elba. But you'll have to be a bad boy."

Yes, she would find out where Nat was.

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