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But nobody but like 10 people read this, so like...


By the way, I can't believe I've written this much.

Damion Roland

"We have Ivy!" The man walked to me, his fancy shoes clacking against the dusty marble floor. "Put your weapons down." I heard Hunter's sword fall to the floor. I dropped my brother's summoned gun. "That's better." The man came into view.

It was Brare, the one I had seen in the snake room. His hair was a bit neater, and now that I could see his face, I could tell that he was devilishly handsome. He had brown hair, tan skin, and gleaming white teeth. He was haunting.

"Brare?" Hunter asks in shock. B stays quiet. I think she knew all along that he was on the wrong side.

"I want Ivy," I say. "What do you want?"

"The girl." Brare points to Mariah. "I heard she has the goldenglow, and I want it."

"Want, or need?" B walks forward, putting her in the first line of attack rather than Hunter and I. I can tell things are going to get messy. "I think my death will suffice, rather than some stupid flower."

"You are right, your blood is very satisfying." Brare smiles evilly.

"A fight then. If I win, you give us Ivy. And if you win..." B trails off.

"Then you will be dead and I get the girl." He grins. "Shall we?"

"We shall," B smirks. She pulls off the coat she was wearing. Her tan arms are taut and she's wearing her special metal gloves. Her hair pulls itself into a ponytail, and her glasses disappear. Her eyebrows narrow. She leaps.

They're a perfect match for strength. She strikes first, her eyes full of fury. Brare blocks and tries to get at her. They're quarreling, and B's getting more into the battle than I've ever seen her. She's completely focused, and I'm scared that there's a lot more than a death that's going to come out of this. Brare is slowly getting more agitated, and he's developing a silver aura like B is. B cries out at a wound, and I rush to try and help her, but Hunter holds my hand. "She has to do this herself." He says quietly. B's suddenly flying in the air, her foot extended like she used Brare as a launch pad. She snaps her fingers- a sign that she cast a spell.

"B?" Mariah whispered. I ran to her and held her hand.

"Sh, Mariah, everything's going to be ok," I whispered in a trembling voice. I looked back to B.

She was covered in a golden light. When it had faded, she was flying in the air with giant, pure white wings. Her katana swords were gleaming, and her metal-plated fists were reflecting the light that could be seen through the dust. Brare was on the other side, levitating in the air. They were both furious. They ran toward each other. It was getting dangerously hot. I quickly got all of our stuff and yelled at Hunter to take cover. Something was about to happen. I heard a scream, and I fell to the floor. I quickly spun my head. B was showered with a golden light, her hands filled with a golden fire. Her outfit had changed from her dirty black dress to a pure white one, with a billowing skirt floating behind her. She spun her head, and I saw that her eyes were gold. She had taken a whole new form like she was a goddess. I remember hearing Hunter's voice saying that she had the blood of 2 gods, and she was technically ⅓ human.

"Damion, my bag! Open it." I hear B grunt out. I immediately run to it and unzip the blue backpack that she had carried. Inside were several small plastic bags, filled with monster dust. "Now, everyone stands back." Her voice trembles out. I can see her lips move, but I don't hear anything. The dust in her bag starts to glow. I look at Mariah to see that her tattoo is also glowing. More specifically, a single petal. B's hands are glowing, and I know that she's casting a spell. I run to Hunter and get both him and Mariah behind me. I hold up a shield as I hear a scream. The last thing I remember seeing is a gold figure throwing a ball of light, and the whole world exploding.



"Hey man." I hear someone say, and I feel someone shake me awake. The last thing I remember is an image of B turning into a golden ball of light and her spell searing into my head.

"Damion?" My throat feels dry, and my voice is hoarse.

"Yeah. Here, have some water." I grab his hand and pull myself up. I take the water he offered me and I gulp down what's left of it. When I put it down, I realize we're in a completely different place.

"Where are we?" I take in my surroundings to realize we are on the outskirts of a village.

"Cambodia. This is where we will find him." B speaks. She's standing, her hair ruffling in the wind. I'm surprised to see her in her regular clothes rather than the fancy white gown she was wearing.

"This is where the snake temple is," I say. B takes a good look at me.

"How do you know that? And where were you when we were saving Mariah?" B places a hand on her hip, and I pray to Zeus that I won't be murdered. I decide to tell her and Hunter -who was silent- about the whole thing with Brare and the snake egg.

"And now it's your turn." I finish. "B leans back against a tree and Hunter simply takes a bite of the granola bar he's eating. "What happened back there?"

"Ok, so you know how I technically have the blood of 2 gods?" I nod and B takes a deep breath. "I think my dad was very distantly related to Hades, which makes me a bit more than half god, half human. I'm ¾ goddess, ¼ human." My mouth hangs open. "I took on a celestial form. I've been getting dreams from my mom, who has been teaching me in my sleep. I told her about the spell, and I had to cast it when I met Filkhorn. It's supposed to banish him. The thing is, when you cast the spell, you have to sacrifice something, and I didn't give up anything. It needs dust from all the monsters you battled as well, which is why you needed to open my bag. It also needs the goldenglow's power. On Mariah's tattoo, the flower's missing a petal. She has, even more, power now. The blast also somehow healed her."

"Woah," I say in awe.

"Yeah," B says, and I can see her weariness when she takes off her glasses to clean them. "I think we have another day to save Chiron. We need to get home by tomorrow."

"We should Iris-message the camp," Hunter says. I immediately vetoed the idea.

"B, Mariah, and I ran from camp to do this. They'll be pretty mad at us, especially my brother, and I'd rather not face my brother right now." I say.

"Oh, ok." He grins. "It would be awkward to explain our ragtag group."

"IM BACK!" I hear Mariah yell before I feel someone fall onto me. I groan. "Oh, sorry Damion."

"That was unexpected." B snickers.

"Yeah, sorry. You all looked really sad, so I thought I'd try to make it better." Mariah smiles sheepishly.

"My ribs hurt," I complain.

"Suck it up. You'll live." B says. "What did you find out?"

"The snake temple is quite the walk from here. It'll take an hour. And that there's a basement down there too." Her voice quiets down. "I think I also saw a demigod there."

"Who?" I say, and I have the worst feeling.

"I think it was Annabeth and Percy. Maybe the seven came too?"

"No, Grover and Thalia will be there too. He'll smell us out or something. We have to move now." B waved her finger and the bags began to pack themselves up. I stood up and helped Mariah up. We were ready in 5 minutes.

"Shall we?" I smile.

"We shall." 

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