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Mariah Lucifer

"Hey, are you doing ok? You seem pretty tired, and you haven't been the same." I walked next to Damion.

"Who me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really hot." Damion said. I could tell he was lying through his teeth.

"Damion, we're in a forest in Canada. There's no way you're too hot right now." I reached out and felt his forehead. I pulled it back. "You're burning up." By now, B and Hunter were looking back.

"What's wrong?" I heard B ask.

"I think we should stop for a bit. Damion's burning up." I felt his forehead again just to make sure that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

"I hate to interrupt, but we have to keep moving. We still have a way to go." Hunter said. "I wish we could stop."

"Leave it to me." B snapped her fingers and a large cloud appeared. Must be another spell. "You guys can sit on the cloud. Don't worry, you'll be fine." She snapped her finger again. THis time, 2 horses appeared. "We'll be fine." I nodded. I helped Damion onto the cloud. He looked exhausted.

"You overworked your magic. Look at how tired you are." I spoke to him. I pulled out our amount of ambrosia. I didn't have any earlier because Damion had already fed me some, and by the looks of it, we were going to run out very soon.

"But I was trying to save you." Damion protested. I fed him a bit of ambrosia.

"It doesn't matter now. Just make sure that you get some rest." He nodded. A few moments later, I heard Damion breathing softly. It was then I realized how tired I was.

"I know you're tired too, Mariah. Take a nap. We won't be there for another hour." B's voice spoke in the back of my mind.

"Fine." I laid my head down and fell asleep seconds later.


Damion Roland

"Mariah, wake up." I shook Mariah a little bit. She groaned.

"We're here already?" She grumbled.

"Yeah. Come on." She finally got up and walked off the cloud. Seconds later, the cloud disappeared. We walked a bit further until we came across a sign. There was a simple arch around the town and we stood underneath it.

"'Welcome to Brindle.'" B read the sign aloud.

"What a nice name," I commented. "Shall we go?" We walked into the arch.

Inside, the town was quite lovely. It was pretty modernized, but it looked very homey compared to the tall skyscrapers in New York. I saw a man standing outside his shop, looking very angry. He seemed to be talking to a police officer.

"No, no, officer. I'm quite alright. The pesky dem- er, brat, haven't taken anything of mine. Now stop bothering me!"

"Are you sure, Jack?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now shoo!" The man shut the door. The officer sighed.

"Sir?" It was Hunter that spoke. "Is there something wrong.?"

Mariah Lucifer

"There's a little girl who comes to our town and steals food for herself. Nobody know's when she comes, or where she goes. We just had a raid this morning. I'm worried that the town will start starving if we don't do something now." The officer eyed us. "Are you all new around here?"

"Yes," Hunter spoke. "My names-"

"Henry." I butted in. "I'm Mary, this is Danny," I gestured to Damion, "And this is... uh... "

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