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Warning: A lot of different people's points of view. Be sure to look at the beginning to see who's Point of View it is!



"According to what B wrote down, the prophecy says to go north, up to Canada." I brought out a map. "Then it says 'defeat the whisperer, the gloried snow queen', so we probably have to get something from Kihone."

"An ice shard," Damion says. He grabbed a stray piece of paper and a pencil. "We need to get an ice shard, probably from her throne, 'Ivy from Pan'- whatever that is, and Persephone's Goldenglow? What a weird name."

"And the last one, which is not mentioned, but we'll supposedly find it in the end." B signed. I translated for Damion since he doesn't know sign.

"What's Persephone's Goldenglow?" Damion asked.

"Oh, I know there's a book somewhere, but to sum it up: it's a very enchanted flower, super powerful, and you can use its petals to transport you to places and to heal. It contains a spirit, which will answer your questions," I scrunched my eyebrows. "But you need a special something. A quality, an item, I can't remember."

"Sounds cool."

"Reminds me of Tangled. So, we'll need something for cold weather, weapons, ambrosia, healing stuff for B," Damion thought aloud.

"Wait, weapons?" B signed. "I have my fists, but that's close combat."

"Clothes, mortal money, and drachmas- you don't have a sword?" Damion stopped counting. B shook her head. "Not even a dagger?" She shook her head again.

"How about you and Damion go to the armory, and I'll finish the list and do some more research." I shooed them out the door.

"Kay, see you in a bit!" Damion yelled as B waved. I waved back and shut the door.



"So, do you have any preference?" I asked B.

She tried signing something, but I laughed a bit.

"Well, I don't exactly know how to read sign language, but I'll assume you're asking what I mean by preference. Basically, would you rather have a dagger, a sword, a shield, twin sets, a bow,"

She tried saying something else, but I interrupted her.

"Don't know what you're signing." I reminded her. She sighed. She ended up snapping her fingers and I saw a piece of paper appear on thin air and float around B. She snapped her fingers again and a pencil appeared. She wrote down a few sentences, then handed it to me.

That was a little trick my mom taught me. I think twin swords would be cool.

"Where did your mom find the time to teach you? Anyway, I think Leo will have something whipped up around here." I walked into the armory.

"Hello?" A voice called out. "Is anyone there?"

"Hey, Leo!" I yelled. Leo popped out behind a stack of weapons.

"Hey B! Hey, Damion. My favorite chica's." B snorted at his remark. Leo put something down and put the rag that he was holding away. "I was just heading out, but you guys are free to look around. Leave me a note of what you chose. Toodles!" He smiled and headed out the door. B gave me a look.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm not a 'chica'. Moving on, go ahead! Look around." B nodded, smirking a bit. She started walking around. We were pretty far from each other when I heard something clatter. "B?" I called her name. "You doing all right?" I didn't hear anything. I ran over to where she was. "Gods, why didn't you..." My voice faltered as I saw B standing there with an awed expression.

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