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I woke up in a flower field. We were just in Canada. How did I get here? I couldn't feel my leg, but it didn't look damaged. I decided to take in my surroundings a bit more and noticed a lady observing a flower. "Excuse me, madam." I stood up and slowly walked to her. "Do you know where this place is?" I reached her and looked at her again to see her still in the same position that she was in before. "Ma'am, I'm really sorry to bother you, but I have something very important to take care of, and I need to know where I-"

"Dear, don't fret. I assure you, your destination is not far from here. I only need a small portion of your time." The woman spoke. She has a smooth voice.

"Oh. I'm sorry for bothering you." I fidgeted with my hands.

"Don't feel bad. It's quite all right." We stood silent for a moment, before the mysterious, yet enchanting woman spoke again. "Aren't these flowers lovely? I especially love these roses." She pointed at a white rose.

"It is quite lovely." I replied. "But I like the flower over here a bit more." I pointed to the flower next to it. It was a lilly, an ombre of yellow on the inside and orange on the outside. It had brown spots covering its delicate petals.

"Lilium superbum is the name of that flower that you admire. An interesting choice." She leaned down and whispered the next part. "Some think that it may be Persephone's Goldenglow." I gasped.

"How do you know about that? Are you a goddess?" She began to disappear, her image starting to become transparent.

"All in good time, my dear. Now be calm, you're waking up."

"No! Don't go!" I cried. But she didn't listen. I found the scenery changing around me, slowly fading to black.


"Why didn't you warn her? Why didn't you try to stop her?" I heard someone yelling.

"I tried! I tried holding her back, but she went anyway!" Another voice spoke. But this voice wasn't said out loud. It was almost in my head.

"She's nearly dead!" I heard the other voice scream. "Why can't you just try? Just because you're the special daughter of dust doesn't mean you have to act all high and mighty!" The quarreling stopped. "Oh gods, B- I-"

"Save it." The feminine voice growled. "I'm going to find firewood."

"B-" The boyish voice called after her, but she didn't respond to his words. It suddenly came to me that the people who were talking were Damion and B. It also came to me that I called Damion's voice boyish.

"Damion?" I called out. My voice was weak, and I began to feel my leg hurting. "Where are we?"

"Mariah? Oh, thank the gods you're up."

"Damion," I whined like a child. "My leg really hurts." The pain was becoming more intense.

"I know. You got hit with an ice shard." I opened my eyes a bit and saw Damion tending to my leg. "Just hold on. The spell I used is wearing off."

"Damion." I bit my lip. "It really, really hurts."

"Don't worry. I'm almost done. Hang in there." I almost cried out in pain, but the pain subsided.

"Thanks Damion." I sighed in relief. I looked at his face. He looked quite tired. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a sisheveled mess. "You doing ok?"

"Yeah. I'm just tired." He gave a half smile. "I'm not used to preforming these spells very often."

"Oh." He sat next to me. "What happened with B? Wait, where are we?" I shivered. "It's so cold."

tHE gIRL wITH tHE iRON fISTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora