15 0 0

Sorry this chapter is a bit late. Enjoy!



"How much longer?" Mariah asked. Again. For the fifth time.

"Mariah, so Zeus help me, I will shove you off that unicorn," I spoke.

"It's a pegasus."

"I'm wondering if the 'pegasus' will catch you if you fall. Shall we see?" Mariah didn't ask again. Of course, now it was B that was snickering and dying off to the side.

Her laughter died as she took in her surrounding. She pulled her bag off of her back and rummaged through it. She pulled out 2 jackets and handed one to me. She handed the other to Mariah. "Thanks," Mariah mumbled. Her teeth were chattering, and I felt kinda bad for snapping at her. I pulled the coat around me.

"You don't need a coat?"

B snapped her fingers like before, and a piece of paper formed, along with a pencil. She handed it to me. "I don't get cold." I read aloud. "Really?" I raised an eyebrow. She took the paper back and wrote something else on it. "Fight me." Mariah giggled. She has a cute giggle.

Wait a minute. Stupid brain. I looked away from Mariah, the cold suddenly gone.

"I think we're here." Marah pointed to a sign down below. I could't decipher the words on it, but I assumed that it meant that we had reached Quebec. "Khione's castle shold be there. She used to live in Broeas's castle, but she moved."

"She probably didn't have any inspiration until Frozen came out," I replied. B snorted. The blob that was in my vision began to clear as we came close to it. I could see spikes forming and tried focusing a bit more. I heard Mariah gasp as the castle became as clear as day.

There are many ways to describe things. Most of the time, it's by compairing them to things you have seen before. This castle reminded me of a lot of things. Obviously, it reminded me of Elsa's iconic ice castle. Then the also very iconic Disney castle that apprears before each movie. Somehow, the castle on Asgard in Thor also came to mind. How weird. The castle itself sat on a fluffy white cloud, with a large gate surrounding it, The stunning castle wasn't very wide, but it was very tall. It was pointed like an arrow, it's highest point in the middle and it becoming shorter the farther to the side yoy went. Tall triangle shaped windows decorated the very cold looking building.

"It's so pretty." Mariah let out a breath.

"Looks can be deceiving. I may look like Steve Jobs, but I'm actually Batman in disguise."

"First off, you don't look even close to Steve Jobs. And Batman is a billionaire who has a secret base under his mansion. Do you possess even one of these quality's?" I kept my mouth shut, but the corners of my mouth threatened to curve upward from Mariah's burst of sass. "I thought so." I looked back at B who- if she were a cat- probably only had 5 lives left on account of laughing so hard. "Land over there." SHe told the pegasi. SHe pointed at a spot at the majestic creatures landed softly.

"It looks nice from afar, but it looks haunting up close." I spike.

"THe architecture is phenomenal. Annabeth would have loved the architecture, but I don't think it makes a good first impression." Mariah mumbled. B walked around the perimeter, tapping the ice ever so softly. She suddenly stopped her hand freezing over a certain part. She closed her eyes, and it was only then that I realized that she still had the bracelet that Tiffany gave her.

The pendant on it began to glow, and I knew she was about to perform a magic spell. A glowing ball of fire formed in her hand as she began to melt a small hole in the ice wall. Her forehead was sweating from the effort hut managed to make a decent sized hole in it before she collapsed again the wall. "Woah there." I ran over and helped her stand up. "That was way too advanced.You can't learn magic this fast." Mariah came over and looked through the hole.

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