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Chiron had sent us out to find someone. A demigod. A very powerful one. At least, that's what he said. He said that he already sent a satyr to her school, but she wasn't the person to make friends. So he pulled me, Hazel, and Piper, aside. "She's not far from here. Maybe a half hour drive. Something will attack tonight, so she needs to be here before then." We nodded. "She's near Piper's house. You'll find her walking around."

"We'll try to be back before midnight," Hazel said.

"Of course." We were about to walk out when Chiron called to us again. "And be careful, she's a bit... different. I'm sure one of you knows how to sign? Stop by Annabeth's for a crash course if you need to."

"Don't worry. When Travis got stuck in the infirmary -I was helping out- he couldn't talk, but apparently being the son of Hermes meant he already knew a few languages. I picked up on it." I said. Chiron nodded.

"Then you're all set. Her name is B. Argus will drive you to the corner of the street." I could tell everyone was curious, but we stayed silent. He shooed us out. We walked over to the van and hopped in. Argus turned the key, and the van rumbled to a start.

And just like that, we were off.


We drove for about half an hour, then Argus stopped. He grunted. "Thanks." Calypso smiled. We hopped out of the bus. Then we saw her.

She was pretty, I can tell you that. But I could tell that she didn't think so. She wore a blue hoodie and black leggings. She also wore combat boots, and I could tell I would like her. I could also see bits of hair coming from her hoodie. Hazel dimmed the lights behind the girl.

"Here's the plan." She spoke quietly. "We'll sneak up on her and try to talk to her. I'll use the mist to give us disguises." Calypso nodded.

"But we might-" I started to say, but they already disappeared. "-scare her." The girl suddenly tripped and spun around to see what was making the street dim. She turned back around and started walking again, but tenser. Calypso whispered.

"B." She turned again, but Hazel took the disguise of an old man with his dog. She was cooing at him.

"Good B, good girl." She said. Hoodie Girl relaxed a bit but kept walking. Calypso was behind her again.

"B." She said again, but the girl was quick with her reflexes. She held a pocket knife to her throat. She quickly signed something out.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" She 'said' frantically.

"Guys, you're scaring her. Just chill for a second. And Hazel, those disguises aren't fooling anyone." B jumped again.

"If anything, you're scaring her." Hazel grumped, but she took the Mist off. He back straightened and her curly hair popped in place.

"Hey." Calypso piped up, talking in a calming voice. "We aren't going to hurt you." She looked her in the eye. "But if we stay out here any longer, we all are going to be in big trouble with some evil monsters."

"Monsters?" She signed, her other hand shaking a bit.

"Please, trust us." I took a small step toward her. She didn't flinch, so I took a few more steps and knelt down to her level. "And yes, monsters. Evil things that will, at any moment, kill you. But we can help. I swear." I took her hand. "There's a safe place, a half hour drive from here, that will keep you safe." I glanced at the other girls and saw that they were walking toward me. Hazel had an uneasy look, but I shoved that thought aside.

"If it makes you feel better, you can sit in the front." Calypso offered. "Or the back, wherever. But fair warning, we have a thousand-eyed driver." She winked. "But he isn't hostile."

B looked in our eyes as if she was searching for something. Then she nodded. "Okay. I believe you." As soon as she said those words, we heard a howl in the distance.

"We better get going," I said. I heard Hazel mutter something.

"Something's coming. Something's coming."

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