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"Chiron's been poisoned," I spoke as we all ran toward the room Chiron was in. "The doctors think it's Lion's Fang." Mariah gasped.

"That's deadly. It was only a myth." I nodded grimly.

"Yeah." We all burst through the door. Mariah put a hand to her mouth as B let out a gasp. Chiron was lying on a table. He was covered in sweat. He was passed out, but anyone could tell that something's wrong. Annabeth and Percy were around the table, as Apollo campers rushed around, trying to stop Chiron's condition from getting any worse. "But that wasn't all," I spoke again.

"There's a prophecy." Rachel stood from the corner of the room. "After Chiron collapsed, I spoke a prophecy."

"A prophecy?" Damion spoke. "What was it about?"

"I'll tell you later. For now, we should let Chiron rest." We walked out of the room. Annabeth and Percy came as well. We all went out to the common room, where all the head counselors were sitting. Usually, it would be a very lighthearted meeting, but the occasion today was different. Annabeth sat at the head, Mr. D beside her. Even he was grim. Everyone was whispering, wondering what could have happened. I turned to see Damion quietly chatting with his older brother Derek, who was currently sporting an awed expression.

"Everyone," Annabeth spoke, her voice slightly quivering. Annabeth would never cry, I remember thinking to myself. "Please. Quiet down." The table did everything but quiet down.

"What happened?" Clarisse roared. "We deserve answers." Everyone spoke in agreement. Annabeth's lip was trembling. I knew she was trying to keep it together, but she wasn't doing a good job. I decided to step in.

"Chiron's been poisoned." Annabeth collapsed on a chair, looking grateful, but still sobbing without tears. A collective gasp went around the room. Annabeth recollected herself.

"It was Lion's Fang." She spoke in a strong voice. Another gasp.

"But we have a prophecy," Rachel spoke up. She looked at me and I nodded. Immediately, green smoke began pouring from her mouth.

"3 to go, 4 to end

Demigods shall go in the north

Defeat the whisperer, the gloried snow queen

And restore prosperity ere a week

Find 4 ingredients

A shard from Kohine, Ivy from Pan, and Persephone's Goldenglow

The last is found,

When dust defeats claw

The fate of loved

Lies in hands

Of the leader of the quest

The savior to all"

She collapsed into a chair, panting. "Did anyone write that down?" B raised her hand. She signed something out to Mariah.

"B says that she can go on the quest. She can lead it." Mariah spoke. "I'll go with her."

"And I can too," Damion spoke. "We can do the quest."

"Mariah..." Annabeth spoke, her voice not really agreeing with her.

"No," Nico spoke. "You can't go on this quest." B signed something.

"But we can," Mariah spoke. "Damion, B, and I can go. We can totally do it!"

"Mariah, as much as I trust you, I don't know if it's a good idea to go on this quest," Annabeth spoke. "This is really important."

"Chiron has a good week before he..." An Apollo camper piped up "you know..." he made a slicing motion across his neck.

"Please!" Damion spoke. "I trust B and Mariah with my life. We have to go." Annabeth was quiet for a moment.

"Well-" her voice went high pitched. I could tell her nerves were a bit frayed. "I guess if everybody agrees with it. Because you are kinda young, we need everybody's approval."

"You aren't going on that quest." A low growl was heard from the table. Derek had spoken. Everybody was slightly scared at his tone.

"Derek, trust me! We'll go on this quest, and save Chiron-"

"No! It's too dangerous! Besides, what if something happened to you?"

"Nothing will, I promise-"

"You will not go on that quest!" Derek yelled. He pounded his fist against the table. "You will stay here at camp and train!" Everybody was shocked at his outburst. Derek isn't normally like this. He never raised his voice to anybody. Annabeth was at a loss for words.

"Well..." I decided to step in again. "In that case, I think Percy, Annabeth, and Grover should go."

"That's fine with me," Percy spoke. Grover gave a thumbs up.

"Well, I don't know if I should go..." Annabeth spoke. "I do have to take Chiron's place..."

"Don't worry about it, Annabelle." Mr. D spoke. "I think Willis here will do fine."

"I'm fine with it. Besides, you have the rest of us." Piper spoke. "Anybody else?"

"We need a fourth person to join the quest. The prophecy said 3 to go, 4 to end." Percy looked around the room. "I think it's safe to ask one of the hunters to join us since they are traveling." Everybody agreed.

"I can ask Thalia," Jason confirmed. "I'll Iris-Message her as soon as the meeting is over."

"Then it's confirmed." Annabeth rose from her chair. She looked better and much more confident. "Percy, Grover, and I will go on the quest. Thalia or another hunter will join us later."

"You should leave tonight then," I said. "If you can leave any sooner, that will be amazing. We need as much time as possible." They all nodded.

"With that, I conclude this meeting," Annabeth spoke in a firm voice. "You may all leave." Everybody shuffled out the door, including B, Mariah, and Damion. Annabeth, Grover, and Percy were sitting in chairs talking about something. I went over to join them.

"You know, they remind me of you," I said. "They're like the next generation."

"Yeah," Percy said. "Knowing them, they're going to go on the quest anyway."

"That's what Mariah would do," Annabeth spoke in thought. "If she has her mind set on something, she's going to do it no matter what."

Can you tell that we have inconsistent updates?

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