🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 4

Start from the beginning

"So... that's why I need your help." You pleaded. He looked down, pondering it for a moment before clenching his fist in resolve.

"You can count on me!"

And with that, the two of you entered the woods. There was no time to lose because you imagined Kaminari must be miles away by now.

"He will probably be along the river bank." You said, guiding Midoriya along the lazy shoreline. Since it was November now, the days were much shorter, and you had only walked for a few hours before the sun began to set behind the mountains. You prayed for Kaminari's safety, unnerved more and more with every passing hour he remained missing. Izuku had been mumbling plans to himself every now and then as you walked and he stopped you, apparently finally settling on one strategy.

"F/N... If something happens, I can lead it away and-"

"You have got to stop with these suicidal plans, Izuku." You took his hands gently in your own. "I don't want to lose you either." He looked at you, that familiar flawless determination flickering in his eyes.

"Trust me."

"...okay..." You were hesitant, but he definitely had speed on his side with that wild quirk of his. You decided not to underestimate him and went along with the idea. The last of the orange sun descended over the trees and you noticed Midoriya kick a pebble down the bank. An ominous alarm went off in your head when you followed the path of the pebble, noticing Kaminari's fishing pole and bag.

"Look." You pointed at it, gaze following the line until a pang of dread hit you. There sat his pile of bait, laid out on the gravel; the same thing that drew the monster to you in the first place...


"What was that..." A gloopy sound came from beneath the calm river. The two of you turned to see a shadow lurking in the deep. "Stay back." You pulled Midoriya away from leaning over the bank. "When the monster attacked us, it jumped out of the water and-"


"AH!" Just as it once had, the creature launched out of the water like a bullet, flying high over your heads. It was definitely the same size as a human now, not the medium-sized tadpole from before.

"SMAAAASSSSHHHH!" A huge gust of wind shot it flying. "I'll drive it away! Now GO!" You didn't doubt Midoriya and ran farther down the river, zigzagging between trees as you went. Kaminari had to be close, and you needed to find him fast.

With his quirk, Izuku was able to outmaneuver the monster while it pursued him. Unfortunately, after chasing something so incredibly fast, it was a natural instinct for the creature to switch to a slower prey...

'It's so dark.' Behind grey clouds there was hardly any moonlight and you could barely see where you were going. You hoped against hope that you would find Kaminari before the creature did. But fumbling in the darkness made you just as easy of a target. You heard rustling in the trees, knowing something was near by. And based on the distinct movement, you could tell that it was neither of your friends. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw it leap effortlessly near you. You held your breath, inching around the side of a tree in the hopes that it would pass you by and not notice your presence.

Fear gripped you and all you wanted to do was yell for Midoriya or Kaminari or Tomura, but you knew you couldn't. Calling out would alert the swift creature to your location. The best bet was to stay stealthy and keep perfectly still. You had no hope of running away silently either, as the crunchy fall leaves on the ground would have been a dead giveaway. All you could do was press your back farther against the tree, trying to become one with it.

Suddenly, something constricting and wet bound you to the tree, arms pinned to your sides. The texture was strange, a slithering appendage. 'Is this a tentacle?! Can this thing shapeshift?!' The slippery thing made another wrap around the tree, restraining you further. 'No wait... this is...'

You gasped as the monster's shadow approached you, making a croaking noise. You were done for, wiggling and helpless, a fish on a hook. You prepared yourself to yell, taking a huge breath before this thing could suffocate you.

"Wait." You paused when it spoke. The voice of the monster sounded so normal... so... human... "Please don't scream. I'm not going to eat you."

"Wh-what?" You were baffled as the creature revealed itself in the moonlight, face to face with you. 'Wait... it has a face! A human face!' For some reason that fact washed you over with some relief. However, you weren't out of the woods yet, for this thing still had you tied up with... it's tongue?! So many questions flew to your mind at once. "Wh-who are you..."

"Call me Tsu."

"Are you... from the oopsy-doops?"

"What the heck is that?"

"The realm you're from..."

"You mean the inside-out? Who on earth called it an oopsy-doops..." And the creature laughed, making you feel a little more at ease. It took a few steps closer and a break in the canopy cast light onto it's face. It was a girl... kind of a frog girl... but still a girl about your height, peering at you with big round eyes, just like Izuku has.

"So... if you aren't going to eat me... what are you hunting for?"

"A mate." She said simply.


"Are you my mate?" She asked with a smile, face an inch from yours.

"What?! N-no!"

The End

Tah dah! Hope you enjoyed Mike-doriya, Dustin-ari, Tomur-eleven, and featuring Asui as the pollywog from the Uspide-Down.

 Betcha thought when I mentioned tentacles that I would make the monster be Tamaki. It was a red herring. Mwahaha! 

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