Lotor||Satin Sheets✨part 2

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A/n wowza I didn't plan on making a part two but literally so many people did lmao. So I decided to do it now, on impulse, with no plan, and sleep-deprived. YAY!


Princess Y/n hadn't left her room in four days. She locked the door, and never let anyone in. She never told anyone the real reason and just told them she was sick.

She would lay in her satin sheets and cry, dramatically stand on her balcony, lay on the floor, or draped over a chair.

She hated this, and she hated not going outside and playing in the sun. She hated not going on adventures, discovering new things and laughing at bizarre clouds. But now, she was depressed. The farthest she could walk was her balcony.

Four days turned into five, and five into six. On the seventh day, Y/n received a letter from under the door. A reminder of the ball later that evening. But, it wasn't just a reminder. It was an invitation. To Prince Lotor and Princess Reana's engagement party.

Y/n ripped the note into shreds, tearing each individual piece into dust. She grabbed the remains and blew them out of the balcony. Staring at the sky, Y/n breathed deeply. She had to go, for Reana. She had to be happy, for Reana.

~timeskip bruh~

After Y/n got ready for the ball, she headed downstairs to meet her parents and sister beforehand.
They looked elated to see her and smiled affectionately.

"Y/n dear are you finally feeling better? You look lovely." Queen Allura asked as she caressed her oldest daughter's cheek.
"Yes mother, though I am still a bit under the weather.." Y/n then fake coughed very realistically.

"Well I'm glad you came. Can't have an engagement party without my sister!" Reana beamed. She really did look beautiful.
"Yes well I'll be off for now. I will see you all later on!" Y/n left before her tears fell silently down her face.

The party was the biggest they had in a very long time. People from all over the continent showed up! Kings, Queens, lords, ladies, and bachelors galore.

Y/n had plenty of men approach her, but none had the same feeling as Lotor. No man could ever compare.

Y/n sighed on the balcony, swirling her drink in her hand. The night would just be depressing and tearful, so she figured she would just drink the pain away.

"Someone looks under the weather."
Y/n quickly turned and realized that Lotor was standing next to her. She smiled lightly. "It's my baby sister's engagement party. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You just didn't strike me as the kind of girl who'd cry over that."
Y/n felt her face and realized that tears were falling down.

"It's just. She's so... young. And she's still... maturing and I don't think she's... ready f-for a-" Y/n then collapsed into Lotor's arms.
"Y/n?! Y/n are you ok?" He asked, panicking. Y/n looked around hazily.
"I'm not ok Lotor. I'll never be... ok." She said shakily.
"Why won't you be ok?"
"Because I love you Lotor. I love you and can't have you. You love my sister and my sister loves you back. I can't change that." Lotor looked deeply into Y/n's eyes. "You were my first love, Y/n. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I didn't want to marry your sister, I wanted to marry you! You think I want this? You think I love her? Because I don't. This is an arranged marriage. I want you, Y/n. I always have." Lotor then kissed the mess right in front of him, and the mess kissed back.
"Let's run away, Lotor. Run away from this provincial life. Write our own story. Live our own life. We could be together." Lotor smiled and said, "I'd like nothing more."

So, with nothing but the clothes on their backs and money in their pockets, they escaped the party and ran far, far away.
Lotor got banned from his country for running away, and Y/n never heard from her family again.
But, they both lived long, happy lives.

And I guess you could say, they both lived Happily Ever After.

A/n wow I really have no idea how this turned out but ok. I'm not good with happy sappy endings so this one is probably crap lmao. Anyways happy thanksgiving folks (even tho its in a couple of days).

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