Shiro// You're not my dad

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*this contains spoilers so just a heads up*


Shiro had been gone for a long, long, looongg time. It was crazy without him. Everything was out of place. The duck tape that held everyone together was gone.

So, when Shiro was detected, everything went silent. And everyone hoped that he'd still be breathing.

Y/n paced impatiently around the deck, their mind whirling at the thought of Shiro. Thoughts of joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, confusion. What if he wasn't alive? What if they were too late? What if- Y/n's head jerked up. Shiro's pod was in view.

Everyone was nervous and anxious, happy and excited. They were hopefully going to see their space dad again.

That's when they dragged him in, his hair long and his eyes hazy. Y/n and the paladins were in tears, he was still alive. But barely.

Y/n's POV

When they got him cleaned up, something seemed off. At least to me it did. He hadn't cut his hair yet so that obviously was weird, but something about his demeanor was almost... nevermind. I mean Shiro was back. That's awesome! But I couldn't shake the feeling that something serious was wrong. It seemed almost too perfect.

After dinner, I stayed back, not wanting to run into Shiro in the hallway. I know that's wild, but I almost didn't trust him. I know this sounds crazy, but I swear I heard buzzing sounds around Shiro at the table. I know, I sound insane. Maybe it's just my brain overthinking again, but maybe...

I was just heading back to my room when I heard the alarm. Enemies were approaching. Frick.

I ran towards the deck. Everyone arrived but Shiro.

"Some Galra ships have arrived! We don't have much time!" Coran shouted at the controls.
"So do we wait for Shiro or-" Hunk stated just as Shiro walked through the door. I jaw-dropped. That was not my Shiro.

First of all, Shiro would never be late, especially to get ready, and second of all he would never wear his hair that short unless he was forced to. And most importantly, his eyeliner was way off. It was thick (not even thicc) and had no voluminous form. All I know, is that I froze for thirty seconds and that caused everyone to look at me and Shiro.

"Uh guys aren't there Galra ships out there?" Hunk said tentatively.
Pidge then looked at me concerned. We've always been really close and she could always tell when I was acting weird. "I don't think Y/n is going to respond."
Lance then looked at Shiro and then at me. "Maybe Y/n is just in shock that Shiro looks different."
Keith then groaned. Really loudly. "Guys we really need a plan. Now stop oogling Shiro, and Y/n snap out of it. We need you for visuals." I then looked at the team, and then back at "Shiro". Could no one even tell? Could no one tell that Shiro was gone and there was an imposter right there? Was I the only one...?

I decided that I needed more evidence, so I was going to 'play it cool'.
"Right... uh sorry Keith."
So cool.

*timeskip to later on after the attack*

I was walking back to my room, the memory of earlier still haunting my memory. I just need actual proof that "Shiro" was not Shiro. I was just about to turn a corner when I heard footsteps and someone call my name.

"Y/n!" It was 'Shiro'.

"Hey Shiro." It pained me so much to say it. Calling this thing Shiro.

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