Matt//Find You

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Requested by Chefgirl6375 ! Thank you so much for the suggestion💕


Y/n took in a deep breath as they walked towards their close friends, Matt, Mr. Holt, and Shiro. All four were about to journey on the Kerberos mission and frankly, they were all kinda nervous.
Shiro spoke up as soon as Y/n joined the group," Ok guys, I know this is nerve racking and kind of scary, but as long as we stick together and don't stray from the plan, we'll all be ok in the end. So let's do this!" The group cheered and so did the crowd of spectators behind them.
"Wait!" A voice called out to them and they all turned around to see young Katie Holt running towards her brother. She jumped into his arms and hugged him tight, like she would never see him again.

"I'm going to be ok kiddo don't worry!" Matt said sweetly as he patted Katie's head. Katie smiled and said,"You better be ok or else I'll search the entire galaxy just to find you again."
Matt laughed and broke apart from his beloved little sister.
"Come on guys the shuttle's about to leave!" Shiro called beside Mr. Holt.

Matt sighed and then said,"I guess this is goodbye Katie."
Tears welled up in Katie's eyes as she said goodbye to her brother. Y/n waved goodbye and walked with Matt to the shuttle.
"Your sister is really sweet."
"I know. She's pretty great."
They both laughed as they entered the shuttle.
"All right guys are you ready?" Mr. Holt asked as he strapped in.
*at the same time*
"Yes sir!"
"Les go!"

The shuttle then left into the sky. Kinda like Team Rocket blasting off again.

~~~timeskip to Kerberos woooo~~~

The team was all relaxing, having just completed their task for the day.
Mr. Holt and Shiro were making jokes and Matt and Y/n were chilling off by the side, Y/n's head on Matt's shoulder.
"Is something wrong?" Matt asked, rubbing Y/n's head.
"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something bad is gonna happen. I don't know maybe it's just me being tired."
"Hopefully." Matt said kinda worriedly as he looked up at the sky.

The next morning everyone was busy. They all had a task to do, and Y/n and Matt kept getting sidetracked. Matt put some circular metal things up to his glasses and made a weird noise, causing Y/n to laugh madly.
Shiro sighed. "Guys how many times do I have to tell you to get focused?"
Mr. Holt nodded and turned his back to them. "Shiro's right, you should really get.... focused!" He turned around only to have two giant metal circles on his face. Even Shiro laughed this time. Everyone was smiling when they all felt the ground shake and the wind swirl wildly around them. They looked up to see an unfamiliar ship above them, and it didn't look friendly. They all looked at each other with determination. They knew their fate.

~~~timeskip to the Galra prison~~~

Shiro and Y/n finally got out of their cell together and now were hiding from the Galra officers. They were trying to find Matt and Mr. Holt, but it was very difficult.
Shiro made hand motions to Y/n and Y/n nodded, moving forward. They finally made it to the Holts' cell, but when they opened it, it was empty.
"Hey guys! It's the escapees!" A Galra officer spotted them and they looked at each other and knew they couldn't stay. Shiro knocked out the officers with his Galra arm, and Y/n fought some more with their Galra leg. They finally made it to the escape pod and away from the Galra ships. They both sighed, out of happiness and guilt.
"We have to find them, wherever they are." Y/n said coldly.
Shiro nodded his head in agreement.

~~~yet another timeskip to when the are on the Altean ship with the paladins~~~

The paladins and Y/n were sitting in the lounge area, All relaxing after a run in with some Galra ships.
Lance and Hunk were telling a funny story from one of their missions, Keith was sharpening a knife, Pidge was on her computer, Shiro and Allura were listening to the story, and Y/n was about to doze off.
That's when they all heard Coran scream. They all ran into the deck, expecting to see Galra ships or the ship going down, but instead all they saw was one very excited Coran.

"Guys! I found a signal of life on a nearby planet!"
"That's great Coran! Let's go check it out!" Lance said excitedly.
"I don't know guys," Hunk stated" what if it's a trap?"
"What if it's my family?" Pidge said, pushing up her glasses.
"Oh right." Hunk said sheepishly.
Allura then clapped her hands together. "Let's not waist any time then!"
They landed the ship on a barren and abandoned planet. They all got out while Coran stayed in the ship. A fire was in the distance, and a satellite and two figures accompanied it.
As they approached, Pidge, Shiro, and Y/n went completely still, and then went running towards the two silhouettes. It was none other than Matt and Holt, both having aged quite a bit. Lance, Keith, Hunk, and Allura got the idea and stood back while they let the old friends and family reunite. They were all in tears, hugs going everywhere. The family was finally together after all this time.

On the ship, everyone was at the table, joking around and telling stories as they ate.

Matt sat between Pidge and Y/n, with Mr.Holt on the other side of Pidge.

After they are, everyone was exhausted after the long day. Pidge hugged Matt and Mr. Holt goodnight. Shiro shook hands with Mr. Holt and everyone went to bed except Matt and Y/n.
"Look Y/n," Matt placed his hand on Y/n's cheek and smiled "I just want to say that- that I love you. And I never got to say that before. I never got to tell you how I felt. But now we're together! But it's totally fine if you don't want to be- i saw you talking to Shiro and all and-"
Y/n put their finger to Matt's lips and chuckled. "I'm not into Shiro, I'm into you. Completely and madly into you."

They then romantically kissed while Pidge, Mr. Holt, and Shiro filmed the entire thing.


A/n wow that was perhaps the longest fic I've ever written. Anyways I actually really loved the concept and plot line and everything so thanks again to Chefgirl6375 !

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