Keith//I will literally kill you right now if you dont

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Ah the palace.
So beautiful and serene.
So peaceful and quie-

"LANCE GO AWAY IM WORKING!" Pidge squealed at Lance, who was trying to chat.

"C'mon Pidgeon, Hunk is sick, Y/n is off doing God knows what, and Keith, well Keith is just ugh." Lance pleaded, but it was too late Pidge left, leaving him alone.

Young Y/n was just walking the long halls looking for something to do on their day off. She could hang around with Allura, but Shiro and her were on a secret mission. (Wink wonk) ;)
They sighed. Who knew a day off could be so boring. That's when they ran into Lance. Like literally ran into.

"Oh sorry babe I was just so caught up in your gorgeous eyes that I forgot how to use my feet." Lance flirted and then winked. (Wink wonk) ;)

"Lance that was the worst one yet, you should really get some new pick up lines"Y/n said unimpressed "now help me up would ya?"

Lance finally reached out his hand when he felt a cold one on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Keith, the Space Nico De Angelo!

"What are you doing Lance?" He said coldly.
"I'm just helping out my damsel in distress dweeb!"
"Did you just call me a dweeb?"

Y/n was still on the ground, not really feeling like getting up. Anyways the fight was just getting juicy.

"What were you doing with Y/n anyways? You know she's never gonna fall for your useless pick up lines right?" Keith said, staring intently into Lance's eyes.

"Like she's ever fall for you huh Keith? You really think someone like Y/n would date someone like you? Y/n has class and should date someone accordingly." Lance crossed his arms.

"You're right Lance" Y/n stood up, brushing off their pants "hey Keith wanna go out?"
Lance jaw dropped.
"Yeah, of course Y/n!" Keith said in awe.

They then linked arms and ran off into the sunset on a magical rainbow unicorn.

Jk they just casually walked away from the still in shock Lance.


A/n heyyyy I thought I'd update again cause why not. Anyways the title originally had something to do with the fic, but then I just strayed from the original idea and just went with the flow. Anyways would you be so kind as to leave some suggestions below thanks :)

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