Lance||One More Light

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Y/n's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed, not being able to sleep. Something was wrong, someone was hurting. But I couldn't do anything about it. It was 3:00 am and I was tired. So, so tired.

I stared blankly at the wall, thinking of everything and nothing at once. My headache got worse. I sighed as I finally realized that I wasn't going to get any sleep.

I looked up at the plastic stars on my ceiling. Even though real ones were right outside the ship, the plastic ones were comforting, reminding me of home.

I was lost in thought, looking at the multicolored plastic stars, when Lance came through the door. He was sweaty and a mess. He looked pained and sad.

"Lance what's wrong?" I asked concerned. He just kept his head bowed and mumbled,"Did I wake you?"
"No I couldn't sleep. Now what's wrong?"
He sighed and sat down on my bed, his head in his hands. I moved over next to him, hugging him. He started sobbing.

"It's ok bud. Let it out." I whispered soothingly. I didn't care what the cause was, I just wanted Lance to feel loved and ok.

The sobbing calmed down and he leaned his head on me. I stroked his hair soothingly and said,"It's ok."
"I need to ask you something Y/n."
"You can ask me anything Lance."
"In all honesty, I don't want you to lie because you're afraid you'll hurt my feelings or anything, I'm already hurting. It won't do anything. Anyways, do you think the team would be better without me? I get in everyones way, and I'm not special. I could just leave and it'd be better. Smoother. One less weight for the team to carry."

My heart broke into pieces hearing Lance say that all. I really just wanted to hug him and never let him go. I loved him too much.

"Lance the team would fall apart without you. You are the backbone holding everyone together! Without your amazing sharpshooting abilities, we'd all be goners. You are special. I've never met someone more talented than you. You are amazing and loved. If you left, the team would die. Metaphorically and physically."

I hugged him tightly and I could feel tears trickle down his face. We sat there for a while, just embracing each other peacefully.

"I love you too much Lance. Please never leave me alone." I said as I buried myself in the crook of his neck.
"I love you too Y/n. And I'll never let you go."

A/n wowza that was deep. I love One More Light, it's my favorite song even though it makes me sad. Kinda like listening to MCR. Anyways I'm going to try and post frequently from now on!

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