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A/n I will try to make all of these gender neutral so everyone can enjoy


9:42 p.m

Your POV
I sighed as I turned off my phone (Pidge installed wifi) and snuggled into the covers for a long nights sleep. We finished training earlier than usual today, thank God. Anyways I was super excited to actually get some sleep. I closed my eyes and right when I was about to drift off, I heard my phone buzz. Frick.

I looked into the blinding light that was my phone and realized it was 'MisterSexyMan' aka Lance. (And yes he installed that as his name.)

The text read," YO Y/N I hope you're not sleeping because I'm heading to your room right now for a surprise! See you then!"
Right when I  finished reading the blinding text, I saw Lance open the door.
"WHAT THE HECK LANCE?" I shouted, pulling up the covers.
"Hey, I texted you in advance so this is perfectly legal.."
"I'm pretty sure it isn't-" I grumbled.
Lance continued on," Anyways get up I have something to show you."
"Whatever man." I sighed as I got up, in my pajamas and everything, and followed Lance to his "surprise".

He led me to an area of the palace I've never seen before, and before I knew it, he led me to a large room with an amazing view of the stars. I gasped at it's beauty.
"I knew you'd like it here." Lance said as he looked at me, however I was watching the stars.
I laughed," Like it? This is freaking beautiful I love it! I've never seen such a glorious display of beauty and majesty as this!"
Lance got closer, put his hand on mine and whispered in my ear,"I have."

MAN he was such a flirt. But boy was he good at it.

"Oh really? What?" I asked, looking into his eyes.
"You." He then cupped my face and kissed me passionately. I knew he was rumored to be a good kisser, but this was like heaven on a stick!

We broke apart and he continued to look into my eyes.

We sat there for the rest of the night and talked about everything and nothing as we started our eternity together.

A/n my first Voltron one shot not bad eh? Well I love Lance so I decided to do him first. Also I've been told several times that I look like Keith so that kind of increased my love of Lance? Oh well hope you enjoyed!

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