Allura || Oops

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*for this fic you kinDa have to be female,, I try to make my fics gender neutral but for this one Allura is gay af sooooooooooooo just read.


Y/n and Allura were dating. The problem is, no one knew because Allura hadn't properly came out yet and thought it would be a distraction. Everyone knew that Y/n was gAy af and try to set her up with alien chicks all the time, causing Allura to get madly jealous.

So Y/n and Allura were chillin on the deck being low key lesbian lovers, until Shiro walked in. He looked really awkward and stiffened up a bit when he saw Y/n.
"Oh uh I thought that Allura was alone, I'll just come back later.."
"No no Shiro! It's fine you can talk to me now." Allura stated.
Y/n just casually watched and put her hand in her pocket and the other holding a drink.
Shiro blushed slightly and then stated,"Well Allura, it's just that I like you. A lot. And I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

Y/n then spat out her drink, looked at Allura and Shiro wide eyed and just laughed. Really, really hard.

Shiro looked around confusedly. Allura just blushed.

"Well Shiro, it's really nice and all but, I'm a lesbian and am already dating Y/n." Allura gestured over to Y/n, who stiffened up a bit and  looked proud.
Shiro just blushed deeper.

"I KNEW IT!" They turned around to see Lance, Keith, Hunk, and Pidge at the door.

"I knew Allura was gay, I knew it allll along." Lance said while swirling his finger.
"I could sense it." Keith said with his arms crossed.
"Of course you can you have a gaydar." Pidge said while pushing up her glasses.
Hunk just looked around shocked.

"Hey guys, where's Coran?" Allura asked suddenly.
"HeRe I Am!"
Then Coran came out of nowhere on a wire in the air, flying around dropping rainbow confetti and streamers everywhere. And also wearing all rainbow clothing might I add.

Everyone was accepting over their lesbian love obviously, because they were all somewhat gay. (Gay, bi, pan, so diverse!)

Shiro however still had to get over being friend zoned by the Altean princess.

A/n aaaaaaaaaaye a new fic because I reached 1K reads oh my flip!!!!!! And of course I wanted everyone new to have a nice gay™ fic. You're welcome. Anyways I haven't seen season four yet so don't suggest any fics in that season setting. But leave suggestions obviously just aus and junk. And if you suggested something earlier (I still have a Matt x reader to write) don't worry I will get them up soon! Finn out.

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