Chapter 31:

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Camila's POV.

"How many dates have you guys been on now?" Dinah asked smugly as I fitted my new choice of earrings in.

"None! None of these have been dates, moron." I rolled my eyes playfully. Lauren and I had been broken up for two weeks now and I'd gotten back in touch with my old friend, Louis.

"Just be honest, are you into him?" My best friend spoke up again as she shifted off the bed.

"Dinah, know I'm gay, right?" I reminded the Polynesian who replied by throwing a teddy-bear at me. "Come on, I'll take you home."

Dinah grabbed her purse before following me to the door where my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Louis – 12:02: Is it ok if my friend tags along? He's feeling pretty anxious tonight and just needs to get out the house.

Camila – 12:02: Yeah of course! That's fine, Lou. I hope he's feeling better soon.

Lauren's POV:

"How many dates have you guys been on now?" Shaun asked, leaning on the counter in my kitchen as I gathered the last of my things.

"I'm not into him like that." I replied truthfully. Ty and I had been seeing a lot of each other but as far as I was concerned there was nothing in it. "Can you leave now?"

Shaun raised his hands in a 'surrender' motion before shifting past me and making his way to the door where I seen him out, closing my eyes and leaning my back against it once he had left.


Walking back to my place after spending the evening with Ty, I found myself calculating the time it would be in Miami.

"I really enjoyed grabbing dinner with you tonight." Ty said softly, smiling down at me.

"Yeah, me too." I reciprocated politely, but feeling a little uneasy about the statement which made it sound as though we'd just been on a date.

Once we got to the apartment building, I thanked Ty for the dinner he'd paid for (even though it was shockingly overprized) and he simply brushed it off.

"We should do it again sometime." He leaned over me in the doorway of the lobby and my stomach flipped. I didn't have time to say anything when he started leaning in to kiss me. Luckily, my arms weren't paralyzed like the rest of me and I managed to push him back slightly. He seem surprised by it and I noticed his cheeks take on a light shade of pink as he stepped back. "Oh." Ty laughed awkwardly, putting his head in his hands.

"God, I'm so sorry." I said, also putting my head in my hands before putting them on his arm for comfort. "I just...can't. You're my friend, not to mention my colleague." I added, laughing a little. "I'm sorry if I gave you any indication that I wanted this."

"No, no. You didn't. It was just me." Ty straightened his stance and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." My voice was barely a whisper but Ty started talking again anyway, cutting me off.

"I'm gonna take off but I hope you had a nice night and I'd genuinely do it again – as friends." He offered, taking another few steps back.

"That would be nice, Ty. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave a tight smile before he turned away and so did I, making my way towards the elevator. Once I got there, I made sure Ty was nowhere in sight and put my head in my hands once more – releasing a heavy sigh.

Camila's POV:

Louis and I were stood outside the diner we'd decide to eat in and were waiting for his friend who was running a little late.

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