Chapter 25:

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Lauren's POV:

"Rome?" Camila laughed slightly in disbelief. "As in Italy?"

I nodded. "The trial is only for sixth months but if they decide that they like me and I like them, they'd keep me."

"Wow. That's...amazing." The Cuban appeared to have tears in her eyes now. "What's stopping you?" She asked – and we both shared a knowing look.  "You know...we've only been together for six months. You can't let me hold you back from opportunities like this. You should go and give it a try. If they like you and they keep you, it's fate. If they don't and you come back to Miami, that's also fate." She chuckled slightly and then sniffled.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes, deep in thought before my girlfriend spoke up again. "When would you leave?"

"July 5th." I replied, followed by another string of silence.

"I think I could do distance if it was only for a little while."

"Well, I'm really great at phone sex." I joked, making Camila roll her eyes playfully. She scooted herself closer to me and we both rested our heads on one another. "I'm going to take it." I whispered carefully and felt her head lifting off mine so she could look me in the eye.

"You should." Her face was tear-stained as she pecked me lightly on the nose before cuddling into me again.

"I'm mainly doing it for the experience and the opportunity. After the six months, even if they do try to keep me on, I'm going to come home to you." I decided. I didn't want to be without Camila for any longer than six months. My future was with her.

"I think I'm in love with you." The Cuban breathed out after a few seconds of comfortable silence.

"You think?" I laughed. "Because I know I'm in love with you."

Camila lifted her head to look at me again. I took in the sight of her full, pink lips and her teary brown eyes that were staring into mine. "I'm in love with you." She said.

I leaned and closed the space between us, capturing her bottom lip. "I'm in love with you too."

It was June 16th tomorrow, meaning I still had enough time to go and tell everybody the news and I had time to celebrate with people before leaving. With that thought in mind, I sent a group text to Luis, Ally and Keana.

Lauren – 7:18pm: Hey fuckfaces. I have big news. You guys free for drinks tomorrow night? Meet at 6?

I turned to look at Camila who had her eyes closed. I pecked at her eyelids which she opened when I pulled away. "Do you want to come with me tomorrow to tell the peeps?"

"Of course." The brunette smiled, sitting up. I knew Camila was sad because this was just the start for us and now I had to leave. The only thing holding me back was Camila and I know she didn't want to do that. Besides, how much could change within the space of six months?

Luis – 7:20pm: You haven't proposed already have you?

Lauren – 7:20pm: No, dickwad. Can you do tomorrow or not?

Ally – 7:21pm: Count me in!!

Keana – 7:21pm: Me too! Can't wait :)

Luis – 7:22pm: I'll be there. Mo's bar & lounge?

I laughed at Luis' text. We always went to 'Mo's bar & lounge' to kick-start a night out.

Lauren – 7:22pm: Always.


Camila's POV:

It was safe to say that Lauren's news had come as a shock to me and I really didn't want her to go. But who I was to hold her back from life's endless possibilities? I was only her girlfriend of six months. I didn't want to be that girl and I really didn't want to be the girlfriend that everybody hated because they stopped their partner from doing exciting things. Plus, business was going really well for me at the minute and I was more than sure it would keep me occupied.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to come?" Dinah sighed through the speaker on my phone. We were both getting ready for tonight and I wanted to look as pretty as possible.

"Yes, DJ. She told me to invite you."

"But you've already told me the news."

"Yeah, she knows that too. It doesn't mean you can't tag along. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"You saw me at Walmart yesterday."

"That was for 10 seconds and you were in a bad mood because they didn't have your favorite chicken wings in."

I was interrupted when I heard a car horn and then Lauren's voice shouting: "The Uber is here!"

"Shit. I gotta go. Text me when you get there." I waited for her to say goodbye before I ended the call and slipped my phone into my purse. I double checked my make-up before accompanying Lauren to the car that was waiting for us.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, my hand resting comfortably on her bare thigh once we'd gotten into the vehicle.

"Not really. I mean, they might be sad but I don't think anything is going to stop me from leaving." She replied nonchalantly but something in her words hurt me a little. "I think Chris is coming too. Taylor can't, obviously, but I'm going to get him to tell my parents because...I don't have the balls too." My girlfriend laughed, running her hand through her hair as she gazed out the window.


3 drinks in and Lauren was finally ready to tell the small gathering of people the news – even standing up to do so.

"Alright so, you guys know that you're all here for a reason." She spoke and I could see her hand starting to shake a little and I instantly took hold of it, earning a look of gratitude from her. "There's no easy way to put this so...I'm moving to Rome for six months to be a graphic designer and I leave on July 5th." Lauren finished off very bluntly.

The group fell silent for a few seconds before erupting into loud yells and chants that I couldn't make out. They all made their way over to the dark-haired woman whose hand I lost grip on during the stampede. The only negative comments I heard were people saying that they'd miss her and Chris saying: Good luck telling mom and dad. But she shot him down with "yeah, you're doing that for me."

I felt a pair of hands come into contact with my shoulders. "You okay, Chanco?" I heard the voice of my Polynesian friend whisper into my ear on her way back to her seat after congratulating Lauren.

"Yeah. Thank you, DJ."

So I guess this was to new beginnings.

A/N: hey guys! sorry for not updating last week, my girlfriend's papa past away the night before and I wanted to be there for her. I'm updating a day early because IT'S MY 17TH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! and i'm going to be quite busy all day.

because the update scheldue is kind of messy now, i'm just going to change the update day to a Thursday rather than a Friday.

this chapter isn't my favourite becauase I don't think it's my best work but I do hope you guys enjoy it; i'm just suffering from minor writers block at the minute...

take care of yourselves!!

- fay.

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