Chapter 7:

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Lauren's POV:

"It was her mother, Ally. Her fucking mom and I thought it was some other chick."

I'd been keeping my close friend informed of mine and Camila's situation ever since we went to the beach together. She was overly intrigued and would consistently tell me she "shipped" it and even invented a name: 'Camren'. I found the whole thing amusing but it was also nice to have her support.

"It was kind of weird though. But it also makes sense now that we know it's was her mom." The Latina commented.

"I guess you were right, I need to stop over thinking things." I agreed with what Ally had said a few days ago when I was telling her about mine and Camila's date and the 'compulsive caller'.

"You have a right to be over thinking. You were cheated on, Lauren. You're probably going to question every new love interest you have in your life from now on." I had the older girl on speaker as I prepared dinner for me and Camila. I had to close my eyes for a moment at the mention of my relationship with Suki, but she had a point. I was completely head over heels for my ex, so when she broke my heart in two – it changed me and I didn't want to go through that pain again. I already missed who I used to be.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my buzzer going, causing me to glance down at my watch in hope that I hadn't lost track of time.


"Shit." I whispered. "Ally, that's her. I'll call you later." I quickly took off the apron I had around my waist and placed it on the side before taking my hair out and running my fingers through it, hoping that it was enough to give the dark locks some volume.

"Ooo! Lauren, tell me everything I mean it." Ally almost squealed down the other end of the phone.

"God, you're embarrassing sometimes. Goodbye." I chuckled, ending the call and slipping my phone into my back pocket. I took a deep breath and ruffled my hair once more as I made my way to the door. Once I opened it, I was pleased to be greeted by a very smiley Camila.

"Hola!" The brunette beamed, holding up a bottle of red wine. She had her hair down but with two space buns at the top of her head and a white blouse underneath what seemed to be a low-cut pair of dungarees. The Cuban's lips were moist and pink - she looked ridiculously beautiful and I suddenly felt under-dressed in my crop top and skinny jeans. What the hell was I thinking?

"Hi." I spluttered, trying not to stare. She used her tongue to wet her lips and then politely handed me the bottle.

"It's Italian." I heard her state and could tell she was still smiling as she educated me on the alcoholic beverage I was reading the label of.

Looking  up at her, I wondered why she was still stood in the doorway, her hands folded in front of her as she gently swayed back and forth, looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, come in." I laughed nervously, eventually remembering it was my duty to invite her in as I stepped to the side a little so she could get through. I brought the wine bottle into the kitchen with me before quickly making my way over to the dining table where I started to set out the dishes and glasses.

"Do you want to take a seat?  I'll be right over." I offered, gesturing towards one of two chairs. I received an appreciative smile from Camila who started to make her way towards the table.

"You really went all out." Her gentle voice filled the room and I looked over to see what she meant. The apartment was dimly lit by two candles that stood on the table and I'd turned on the lamp in the living room so it wasn't too dark. I only had a studio apartment, meaning the living-room and kitchen were one big area whilst the bathroom was attached as en suite in my bedroom, but I made the most of it.


Once dinner was done with, Camila and I retreated to the front room where we sat next to each other on the sofa and watched one of her favourite horror movies: A Nightmare on Elm Street. The petite brunette had her legs over mine and had her half-empty glass of red wine in hand.

"Is it just me or is Nancy kind of hot?" She turned to face me, her voice raspy and low after neither of us speaking for awhile; not because we had nothing to say but because we were both simply enjoying the movie. I inspected the girl on the screen with furrowed eyebrows after hearing Camila's words, even turning my head to the side to get a better angle.

"Absolutely not." I disagreed only seconds later, shaking my head as I spoke. Looking over at her, it seemed as though I had just caught her staring at me whilst my attention had been on the screen because her eyes quickly looked up from my mouth to meet my gaze. She played it off by rolling her eyes jokingly and clearing her throat.

Seeing her check her watch, I feared the night had come to an end and that was confirmed when she then yawned, taking her legs off of mine and placing her drink down. "I should get going."

"But you've had a drink." I reminded her, sitting up and giving poor effort in trying to get her to stay longer.

She released a chuckle and grabbed her black trench coat from the arm of the chair. "I'm sure I'll survive."

"Maybe you should stay." I blurted out, making her stop in her tracks to the door.

"I would but," She turned to face me and I wish she didn't. Her hair was a little messier than it was when she first got here and her full lips had reddened with the wine we'd been drinking. Looking into her brown orbs, I wanted her to stay now more than ever; but before she could even finish her explanation I found myself nodding. She didn't have to finish it. After what happened last time and how embarrassed she got, I completely understood why she was hesitant.

"I'll walk you to the door." I said quietly.



yaaay! chapter 7!!

i'm not too fond of this but I really wanted to update. I'll also be updating tomorrow and I really like chapter 8.

you're getting spoilt.

have a nice weekend! see you tomorrow for the next chapter ;)

- fay.
ps - the girls outfits in this chapter are shown at the top!!

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