Chapter 35:

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Lauren's POV

"So I had this super cool dream last night where my girlfriend was coming home tomorrow. Isn't that crazy?" Camila's voice filled my bedroom through the speaker and I rolled my eyes playfully at her words.

"That is crazy; except its true." I added and heard her gasp dramatically.

"Shit, you're right. I better get rid of all these girls underwear then, huh?"

"See now, I know you're joking but I'm still slightly panicked." I threw the last of my t shirts into my suitcase. The room I'd been staying in seemed so empty now and I felt a small twang of sadness.

"Don't worry, darling. There's only my underwear here." I heard the Cuban smile and I threw the covers of the bed over me for one last time. "God, I can't believe you're home tomorrow."

"I just can't wait to see you again."

"You were there six months too long. But I guess we have the rest of our lives together now." Camila cooed.

"Is that a proposal?" I teased and reached over to switch off my nightlight.

"Only if you want it to be." Camila said - her tone playful. We both knew we weren't ready for that. "Now, get some rest so you can be here already."

We exchanged goodbyes before I turned over and smiled myself to sleep.


I wasn't expecting to be woken up by Shaun jumping on me. "Ouch!" I groaned, pushing him over and he landed on the empty space next to me.

"Wakey, wakey!" He smiled stupidly at me, attired in his traditional work suit as he sat up. "I know you're flight time is approaching but I thought I'd wake you up so we could have one last meal together."

I rubbed at my eyes and took in the new information. I'd be going back to Miami pretty soon. Rome had been nothing but good to me and I was more than grateful for the people I had met and for the endless list of opportunities I had been given. I'd only been with this company for six months and to say the one magazine I helped publish sold 20,000 copies was absolutely unbelievable – no wonder they wanted me to stay. They were more than supportive of me, especially considering the manager helped me find another good company that was very similar to this back in Miami; and I'd be on an extra $160 which always helped.

"I'd love that, Shaun." I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a gentle hug.

"Promise that you'll stay in touch?" My friend asked once I pulled away.

"I'd be insane not to."


After texting Camila and throwing on a simple outfit, Shaun and I headed out the door and into his car where I took in the comforting feeling of the cold air coming from his air con.

"Are you excited to go home?" Shaun asked, pulling away from the hotel I'd been staying at making his way to wherever he was taking me.

"I'm more than excited. I'm sad at the same time though." I frowned, slightly confused by my own feelings. "I'm going to miss you all."

The blonde gave me a sad smile, rubbing my leg reassuringly. "We're going to miss you too. But you've done wonders for the company just by being here for six months; you're so talented, Lauren. You're going to go far."

I felt myself beginning to blush at his words and felt excitement bubbling in my stomach. I had a good feeling about this company they had hooked me up with.

We changed the topic of conversation to something more general and eventually pulled up outside one of the cutest restaurants in the city. Shaun helped me out his car and escorted me in. I was more than surprised when all my colleagues stood up from a table and yelled: "Surprise!"


Camila's POV:

I'd got up as early as I could so I could clean up my apartment and make sure I also looked clean and pretty. Checking the time and realising Lauren would be boarding in an hour; I sent her a quick text.

Camila – 07:02 (MT): I can't believe you're going to be home soon.

Lauren – 07:02: I can't wait. They gave me a beautiful send off.

I was grateful for the people that Lauren had met over there because they seemed to realise how much of a great person she was; they treated her the way she deserved to be treated.

Camila – 07:03: That makes me really happy, Lo. I'll see you at 5pm? Starbucks, right?

Lauren – 07:03: I'll see you then. I love you.

Camila – 07:03: I love you too. Fly safe!

Taking one last look around my spotless apartment, I smiled with satisfaction and decided to go for a nap. I wasn't expecting to wake up at 3pm though. I groaned at myself and got up off the sofa.

Taking a look at myself in the bathroom mirror, I rinsed my face and put on some neutral make-up before making my way into the bedroom and throwing on a pair of denim jeans and a tight fitting black sweatshirt. The nap had turned out to be a terrible idea because it left me with bedhead that I just couldn't tame, resulting in me putting on a baseball cap.

Even though it was only 3:15, I figured it was never too early to go to Starbucks for a coffee. I'd only been once or twice since Lauren left and I never sat in because that was mine and Lauren's thing; it was therefore safe to say that Shay was more than happy to see me and welcomed me with a tight hug.

"How have you been?" She asked with her trademark, toothy smile.

"Not too bad." I failed to hide a silly smile when I answered her and sat myself down by the counter. One of the things I loved about this particular Starbucks was that it wasn't in the high street; it was just on the corner of a street meaning it was always quiet. I think highest amount of people I'd seen in here at once was about five. "How have you been?"

Shay was finishing up my order when she turned to face me again. "I'm great! I'm always great." She past me my coffee and began to wipe down the counter. "How're things with Lauren?"

Her voice was full of caution and care when she asked, obviously unaware that things were back on track. Being treated with that same petty and sympathy I'd dealt with for awhile now made me almost laugh; simply because everything was fine again now. "We're actually back together."

Shay's actions immediately come to a stop and she looked at me with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "That's amazing!" She beamed and I felt myself being pulled into an uncomfortable cuddle over the counter. "When did that happen?" The Canadian asked and I informed her of my drunken night that actually deemed good.

Checking my watch and taking a sip of my coffee, I glanced out of the window and took in the sight of the quiet streets. "It's always so quiet around here when September comes."

Shay groaned at my words and I turned my attention back to her. "It's the worst. This job is so seasonal – it's lucky I don't get paid on how many customers I serve."

I was distracted when I heard the door of the cafe open and my heart beat increased when I laid eyes on the new customer. He hadn't noticed me yet because his eyes were on his phone, so I kept my back turned.

"Can I just get a black coffee, please?" Harry asked and Shay obliged. He was stood right next to me and I knew that if I didn't speak up and he noticed me, it would be awkward.


A/N: helllooo!!

I can't believe how close to the end we almost are :( I hope you guys stick with me even after T&F because I have another very good fanfic in the works.

your support throughout these 35 chapters have meant the world to me and I'm still very taken back by all the notifactions I get on a daily basis. I'd hate to lose that support when this story is over, so I have my fingers crossed.

enjoy chapter 35 and your weekend and remember to bE KIND!!!

- fay.

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