Chapter 21:

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Camila's POV:

The unbearable sound of my alarm at 07:30 instantly brought me out of my slumber and I immediately turned it off. Although I didn't have to be in work for another 3 hours, I thought Lauren would prefer to be woken up gently by me rather than the sound of an alarm. Looking next to me, I was relieved to see that setting my alarm on a low volume had worked and the brunette was still fast asleep.

"Lauren?" I whispered, draping my arm around her curves and pecking at her shoulder. "It's 7:30, you've gotta get up."

The older girl groaned, stirring slightly. "I don't wanna." She husked, barely above a whisper.

"I know have to so I can go back to sleep." I joked, earning a sleepy chuckle from the brunette that was now looking up at me with hooded eyes. She pecked me on the forehead before rolling out of bed.

"What time will you be at work?" Lauren asked once I'd turned over to go back to sleep.

I rolled over so that I was on my back and stared at the ceiling in thought. "I open up at 12 today, so I'll probably be there at like 11:40."

"Well, I'll see you at 11:40." I heard her smile as she walked back over to me, kissing me on the mouth which surprised me a little – did Lauren and I having sex last night mean that we were dating now? I didn't have enough time to think about it because when Lauren left, I fell back asleep.

Waking up once again at 10:30 with only 3 hours sleep (because I couldn't get myself back to sleep properly once I'd already been woken up) was harder than I expected. Still, I forced myself to get up and once I did got a quick shower before realizing I didn't have a change of clothes. I didn't want to wear the dress from last night because then I'd just feel like I'd had a one-nighter, not to mention it wasn't appropriate for work anyway. After spotting the pair of skinny jeans she took from my Madre's, I thought maybe Lauren would be okay with me robbing one of her sweatshirts for the day.

Arriving at work at 11:40 on the dot, I smiled with satisfaction and opened up the store – taking in the sweet smell of my blossoming fall flowers which always made me swoon.

"Knock, knock." I heard from behind, causing me to flinch but laugh once I turned around to see Lauren standing in my doorway.

"Hey, that's my thing." I pouted, walking over to wrap my arms around her neck and feeling my heart melt when her hands came into contact with my hips and rested there.

"And that's my sweatshirt." Lauren stuck her tongue out at me when I narrowed my eyes at her. "Will you come for dinner with me again tonight? I want to ask you something."

'Well, I wonder what that could be' I thought sarcastically to myself.

"Can't wait." I whispered, kissing her on the tip of her nose. "Now go, I have people who want to buy flowers – not see two girls kissing."

The tall brunette rolled her eyes playfully before leaving the store – and leaving me a complete smiling mess.


Lauren's POV:

"Dude, of course she knows what you're going to ask. You guys finally did the deed last night." Luis said, scrolling through his Facebook with his feet up on the desk.

"Luis!" I snapped, looking around though I knew the only people in there were me, him and my client/friend Keana.

"Woah, yeah she's right – I didn't need to know that." Keana laughed from the leather seat she was sat in, letting me tattoo a rose on her inner arm.

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